Showing 221–229 of 229 results
Alocasia Amazonica Variegated (TC)
Alocasia Amazonica Variegated is one of the recommended houseplants for Alocasia lovers since it has alluring white variegated contrast with fresh arrow-shaped green leaves. The beauty of Alocasia Amazonica Variegated is its wavy edges and thick silvery leaf veins. Taking care of this lovely plant is not complicated. Avoid direct sunlight and waterlogging can help it fully grow.
90-100% chance of variegation
Start from 43 USD / Plant
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Philodendron Spiritus Sancti (Baby plant)
The Philodendron Spiritus Sancti is native to Brazil, and it is one of the rarest Philodendrons that plant collectors wish for. This elegant climbing plant has light green petioles and huge lengthy sword-like leaves that can continue long when fully grown. Bright indirect sunlight, well-draining soil, and appropriate humidity are heavenly for the stunning Philodendron Spiritus Sancti.
Start from 45 USD / 1 plant
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Syngonium Chiapense Variegated
Syngonium Chiapense is considered a rare Aroid that is outstand any other Syngonium! It features mature, round, heart-shaped leaves that are luscious green and have a rubbery touch. Treat yourself to this lovely, simple-to-grow species, which is a necessity for any collector of Aroids. It can tolerate much lower light levels but will thrive in a bright indoor environment. Prior to watering when the top 3 to 5 cm of soil are completely dry. Organic mixed soil is preferred for rapid growth.
Start from 78.79 USD/ plant
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Philodendron Micans Variegated
Philodendron micans is a gorgeous yet low-maintenance plant to add to your collection, making it a perfect addition to any indoor garden! The leaves are velvety and heart-shaped. Philodendron micans look amazing when we watch them hanging and climbing! However , it is considered toxic to both cats and dogs. This philodendron grows indoors as a houseplant and prefers well-draining soil, direct sunlight, and regular watering. Pot Size: 3 Inches / Plant Height: 7 Cm.
Start from 50.91 USD/ plant
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Monstera Thai Constellation Creme Brûlée
One of the most beautiful Monsteras nowadays is the Thai Constellation Creme Brulee! This Thai Constellation appears to be a mix of Thai Constellation and Albo due to the ultra white variegation on the leaf. Collectors refer to this specimen's remarkable pattern variation as "Creme Brûlée." There is no denying that it will make everyone's jaw drop and enhance the beauty of your indoor garden! The plant should not be consumed since it contains poison and might irritate the skin. Keep children and pets at a distance. To maintain the richly variegated leaves, this plant requires strong, diffused light. The variegated plants should ideally be kept in bright indirect light. They prefer regular watering but do not like to have "wet feet," and aroid mix soil is said to be the best option. Pot Size: 8 Inches Plant Height: 25 Cm.
Start from 421 USD/ plant
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Philodendron Melanochrysum variegated
Due to its stunning leaves, Philodendron melanochrysum plants, sometimes known as "black gold" Philodendron, have gained popularity as indoor plants. It is a stunning tropical plant with leaves that can grow up to 24 inches long and are dark green with a bright yellow vein. Owning this kind of plant in your room or office is going to be the best choice you can make as a plant collector! The name "Melanochrysum" literally translates to "black gold" because of the leaves' crystalline look, which resembles flecks of gold. It is a type of philodendron that may be grown both inside and outside. It does well in low light levels and prefers a moist, rich organic mix that is well-drained. Pot Size: 3 Inches / Plant Height: 10 Cm.
Start from 68 USD/ plant
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Philodendron Patriciae
Philodendron Patriciae has a distinctive long and dark green leaf which is different from most other Philodendrons. It is a huge climbing plant but easy and fast-growing. The leaves can grow up to 10 feet long depending on growing condition. Like other Philodendrons, an ideal growing for Philodendron Patriciae is to be in a warm and humid place. The potting soil should be well-drained and airy. For the light, this plant ‘needs bright or indirect sunlight. Just avoid direct sunlight and too low light.
Start from 112.50 USD / plant
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Alocasia Frydek Variegated
Alocasia Frydek Variegated is a rare and exquisite indoor plant. It has narrow heart-shaped velvety leaves, deep green foliage with contrasting white veins, and sectoral and splash-like variegations. Some plant growers consider it the most beautiful of all the Alocasias! The length of the petioles depends on how much or little light you give your plant. Light is needed to maintain shades. The alocasia enjoys being watered and loves to be in an indirect sunlight area. It should receive some plant food twice a month in the spring and summer for optimum growth. This plant is a fantastic propagator and a perfect way to add some tropical vibes to your household for its uniqueness.
Start from 91 USD / plant
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Epipremnum Amplissimum Variegated
Epipremnum Amplissimum Variegated is a stunning plant with long sword-shaped leaves that is originally from Northern Australia and Asia. This one prefers climbing something to grow. The color variations start out yellow, transition to soft cream, and then harden to white. Prefers an indoor or outdoor sheltered area that is warm, humid, and has bright indirect light. Use potting soil that drains well, let the soil get halfway dry before watering and remember not to over-watering.
Start from 20 USD / plant
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Showing 221–229 of 229 results