Showing 61–80 of 92 results
Monstera Borsigiana Albo 100% Variegated (TC)
A distinct variant of Monstera Borsigiana is Monstera Borsigiana Albo. Many people like its stunning, almost-white, green leaves, which can be marbled, streaked, or in big blocks, like the half moon. This Monstera is unique since it typically has a design that flawlessly blends marbles, green, and white. The leaves are considered to be tougher to burn than those of other species and to be easier to maintain. The more leaves that grow, the more attractive they become. Place it close to a window with good light but is never directly in the sun rays. Use rich soil when planting it in a pot with drainage and try watering when the top inch or two feels dry.
Start from 58 USD/ plant
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Monstera Mint 100% Variegated (TC)
A subspecies of the Monstera Deliciosa Variegata is the Monstera Mint Variegated. As such, it has similarly shaped leaves with the exception of the unique light green variegations. Mint Monstera is a great option if you’re seeking a challenge and a little surprise! because the variegation isn’t consistent! Even if the plant loses its variegation, it will still retain the classic Swiss Cheese foliage of a Monstera! The most crucial thing to remember is to make sure they receive lots of direct, bright sunlight. The best type of soil for your Variegated Monstera Mint is well-draining soil that is loose and airy. Water your Monstera every 1-2 weeks, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. This will allow air to get through the roots to prevent root rot.
Start from 55 USD/ plant
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Syngonium Panda (TC)
A gorgeous cultivar called Syngonium Panda has medium-green leaves with vivid, mint-green splotches and dots. This random variation can take the form of little speckles or big splotches. The surprise of pattern and color combination on each newly unfurling leaf is why it is popular among plant collectors. This plant requires little maintenance and thrives in typical home environments. This species favors a warm location with bright indirect light either indoors or outdoors in a protected area. Use potting soil that drains effectively (an aroid mix is an ideal) and wait until the top 3-5 cm of soil is completely dry before watering. Remember to fertilize throughout the spring and summer.
Start from 62 USD/ 5 plants
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Philodendron Red Anderson 100% Variegated (TC)
Philodendron Red Anderson has magnificent red-orange leaves that grow to green and red stems. This Philodendron has a slow climbing tendency and is a cold-tolerant philodendron that is really simple to grow. For those who are just beginning to grow philodendrons, this is a must. Their young leaves and stems are a vibrant red color, which darkens with age. It will give your garden a fantastic jungle vibe if allowed to climb. A well-draining, well-aerated medium should be used for your Red Anderson, and between waterings, you should let it partially dry. Bright, indirect sunshine is what Red Anderson prefers.
Start from 46 USD / 10 plants
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Epipremnum Pinnatum Marble 100% Variegated (TC)
Epipremnum Pinnatum Marble is an indoor houseplant with heart-shaped satiny leaves with its marbled pattern, painted with white, silver, light green, or yellow dots. It can grow as a climber after being allowed to trail down or climb. Keep potting soil moist, hand-warm. The best temperature is 18–22 °C.Remember to water regularly once a week and once every two months during the winter.
Start from 25 USD/ 1 plant
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Philodendron Billietiae 100% Variegated (TC)
Philodendron Billietiae carries the specialty of how gorgeous the long red-orange stems themselves are. The leaves are arrow-shaped and glossy light green which reminds us of the freshness and natural ecosystem of the world. Thriving this plant is simple, it loves to be in well-drained soil, with high moisture yet not overwatering, and bright indirect sunlight to grow healthy.
Start from 123 USD / 1 plants
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Philodendron Giganteum 100% Variegated (TC)
The Philodendron Giganteum is the biggest indoor plant you can grow! This plant can be the right choice if you want something substantial. As suggested by its name (Giganteum), this plant is recognized for its glossy, lush, fan-shaped foliage. Since the foliage resembles an elephant's ear, it is also referred to as the Philodendron Giganteum elephant ear. Due to its large size, the Philodendron Giganteum will make your garden more impressive. It has heart-shaped leaves that can reach a length of 2 feet and are a vibrant, fresh green color. This plant prefers well-drained, loamy soil that is rich in organic matter, bright indirect sunshine, and water only when the top 2 inches of the soil are dry.
Start from 42 USD/ 10 plants
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Monstera Aurea Var. (TC)
It is possible to distinguish Monstera aurea from other variegated Monstera plants thanks to its highly distinctive characteristics. Unlike other white variegated plants you’ve ever had, this variety of Monstera Aurea has distinctive and lovely yellow variegations! It features magnificent big leaves, an unusual shape, and fenestrations that resemble Monstera deliciosa quite a bit. The most popular indoor gardening trend right now! For your monstera aurea plant to thrive, it will need well-draining soil, ideal humidity levels of 65% and above, temperature ranges between 65 and 80° F, bright, indirect sunlight, appropriate watering—it should be watered at least once or twice a week in summer and just once a week in winter—and well-watered soil.
70-90% chance of variegation
Start from 40 USD
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Monstera Thai Constellation 100% Variegated (TC)
Monstera Thai Constellation was developed in a lab in Thailand and has been in demand all along. The highlight of this gorgeous Monstera is permanent variegation. Furthermore, it has large leaves with creamy white variegated scattered across the leaves like a constellation as its name. The Monstera Thai Constellations prefer bright ambient light and humidity, so positioning it in an airy place and not overwater is recommended.
Start from 99 USD / 10 Plants
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Homalomena Rubescens Variegated (TC)
Homalomena Rubescens Var. is a well-known decorative plant in the Homalomena family as it has heart-shaped green leaves and yellow variegates. There are the whole variegated leaf and the blot variegated on the leaf of the Homalomena Rubescens Var. It requires special care because it is a variegated plant. Planting in the dim light, watering regularly, and using well-drained planting material will help it grow up healthy.
Start from 52 USD
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Homalomena Rubescens Mint (TC)
Homalomena Rubescens Mint is an outstanding plant that people seek. Its unique identity is the eye-catching variegated leaves. The variegation of Homalomena Rubescens Mint is different from regular Homalomena as it has a variegated gradation like a Monstera Borsigiana Mint Variegated. Taking care of the Homalomena Rubescens Mint is easy. Just plant it in dim light, water regularly, and avoid waterlogging.
Start from 18 USD
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Philodendron Billietiae Variegated (TC)
Philodendron Billietiae carries the specialty of how gorgeous the long red-orange stems themselves are. The leaves are arrow-shaped and glossy light green which reminds us of the freshness and natural ecosystem of the world. Thriving this plant is simple, it loves to be in well-drained soil, with high moisture yet not overwatering, and bright indirect sunlight to grow healthy.
2-5% chance of variegation
Start from 21 USD / 10 plants
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Philodendron Caramel Marble 100% Variegated (TC)
Philodendron Caramel Marble carries its exotic variegation of various shaded colors on new leaves which range from caramel brown to dark forest green, like a marble. Aside from its beauty, it is a slow-growing plant, and the leaves can reach a large size beyond your imagination. It thrives well in moist, but not soggy soil, and also loves to stay near the natural light through windows. Don't forget to water it when the dry comes!
Start from 99 USD / plants
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Philodendron Caramel Marble (TC)
Philodendron Caramel Marble carries its exotic variegation of various shaded colors on new leaves which range from caramel brown to dark forest green, like a marble. Aside from its beauty, it is a slow-growing plant, and the leaves can reach a large size beyond your imagination. It thrives well in moist, but not soggy soil, and also loves to stay near the natural light through windows. Don't forget to water it when the dry comes!
2-5% chance of variegation
Start from 21 USD / 10 plants
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Philodendron Florida Beauty 100% Variegated (TC)
Philodendron Florida Beauty is an attractive evergreen hybrid plant from the Araceae family is the philodendron "Florida Beauty." It produces stunning leaves with several lobes and variegation, each with a single, sizable lower lobe. Every leaf displays a distinctive pattern of variegation and is also referred to as the Philodendron "Magic Mask." Purchasing this simple-to-grow plant is the best approach to produce a sensational and magical tropical vibes. Rich, well-draining potting soil and bright, indirect light are preferred by the philodendron florida beauty. It is vital to water frequently, but only enough to keep the soil moist but not soggy. This plant performs best in environments with humidity levels of at least 50% and temperatures of at least 50°F (10°C).
Start from 40 USD / plant
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Philodendron Red Emerald (Strawberry Shake) 100% Variegated (TC)
Philodendron Red Emerald, One of the most sought-after colorful Philodendrons on the market, Philodendron Strawberry Shake is the variegated variation of the well-known variety "Red Emerald." This stunning plant has huge leaves that are variegated in a variety of colors, including yellow, orange, and red. For those looking for precious and exotic plants to jazz up their gardens, this is the ideal plant. This type prefers mild humidity and damp but well-draining soil. More aerial roots will emerge in conditions with increased humidity, giving the plants a lovely appearance. Only water the philodendron 'Strawberry Shake' when the soil is dry, and give it medium-intensity indirect light.
Start from 62 USD / plant
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Alocasia Frydek 100% Variegated (TC)
Alocasia Frydek Variegata is a rare and exquisite indoor plant. It has narrow heart-shaped velvety leaves, deep green foliage with contrasting white veins, and sectoral and splash-like variegations. Some plant growers consider it the most beautiful of all the Alocasias! The length of the petioles depends on how much or little light you give your plant. Light is needed to maintain shades. The alocasia enjoys being watered and loves to be in an indirect sunlight area. It should receive some plant food twice a month in the spring and summer for optimum growth. This plant is a fantastic propagator and a perfect way to add some tropical vibes to your household for its uniqueness.
Start from 115 USD / 10 plant plant
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Alocasia Gageana Aurea 100% Variegated (TC)
Alocasia Gageana Aurea Variegated or Dwarf elephant is one of the most attractive plants in the Araceae family that originates from tropical forests of SouthEast Asia. With its unique yellow-green elephant ear-shaped leaves and air purifying qualities, plant lovers love to decorate it in the house for beauty. The Alocasia Gageana Aurea Variegated is an easy-to-grow plant, position in the bright filtered sunlight place and slightly higher humidity area, and water moderately to retain moisture in the soil is ideal.
Start from 25 USD / 1 plant
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Musa NoNo *white var. 100% / pink Variegated 90% (TC)
Musa NoNo is a desirable banana plant because its bewitching and unique variegated pattern can win plant lovers' hearts and recently becoming popular in the plant market. It has huge green leaves with white or pink variegation. Plus, it also has a 90% chance of pink variegated. This fascinating Musa NoNo loves 50% humidity, so maintaining the soil moist with water regular is the perfect key.
Start from 18 USD
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Musa Florida 100% Variegated (TC)
Musa Florida Variegated is one of the adorable variegated plants in the Musaceae family that plant lovers seek all time. Its unique green and white variegation pattern are captivating and outstanding as if it were a gorgeous painting. Thus, decorating the Musa Florida Variegated will make your house more stylish and fresh. This easy-to-care plant is preferable to loam soil, soft light, and high humidity but not overwater.
Start from 18 USD / 1 plant
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Showing 61–80 of 92 results