Monstera Mint 100% Variegated (TC)
A subspecies of the Monstera Deliciosa Variegata is the Monstera Mint Variegated. As such, it has similarly shaped leaves with the exception of the unique light green variegations. Mint Monstera is a great option if you’re seeking a challenge and a little surprise! because the variegation isn’t consistent! Even if the plant loses its variegation, it will still retain the classic Swiss Cheese foliage of a Monstera! The most crucial thing to remember is to make sure they receive lots of direct, bright sunlight. The best type of soil for your Variegated Monstera Mint is well-draining soil that is loose and airy. Water your Monstera every 1-2 weeks, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. This will allow air to get through the roots to prevent root rot.
Start from 55 USD/ plant
*ExWork Price
*Contact for wholesale price
*The first image is just for advertising.
Aleena891 –
Good Mint 100% of var! these are so beautiful variegated🥰 healthy plant with very good service ~
Rikao_Hikaya –
I received beautiful cream brûlée & also this good monstera mint from you😘 beautiful variegated!!!!! so impressed ☺️😙