Alocasia Black Velvet 100% Pink Variegated (TC)
Normally, Alocasia Black Velvet Pink Variegated is very rare. Alocasia Black Velvet is already well known for its extraordinary foliages. Therefore, Alocasia Black Velvet Pink Variegated is going beyond beauty. It’s so incredible that can’t help having one, especially for those who love Alocasia. But we all know that Alocasia is sensitive. This plant loves soil that is evenly moist but not too wet. In winter, this plant will require less water, so you can leave the soil dry a bit longer. Moreover, variegated Alocasia is very sensitive to sunlight. What to do is avoid your plant from touching direct sunlight.
Start from 68 USD/ plant
*Contact for wholesale price
Chet Raula –
Very impressed with you black velvet pink! good roots and strong plants
MARIE_shan –
I ordered from last month and got it now😘 good packed and healthy back velvet pink variegated!