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Monstera Thai Constellation Creme Brûlée (TC)
Start from 62 USD/ plant (PRE-ORDER ONLY)
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Monstera Yellow Marilyn 100% Variegated (TC)
Start from 85 USD/ plant (PRE-ORDER ONLY)
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Monstera Burle Marx Flame (TC)
One of the rarest and most captivating plants you can own! Monstera Burle Marx Flame, a widely spaced leaflets and flame-like shape, which led directly to the name, make it simple to identify from other cultivars of Monstera deliciosa that are the closest relatives to this plant. Due to this quality, Monstera Burle Marx Flame is currently one of the most sought-after plants available. Bright indirect light with appropriate humidity control and ventilation is ideal for it.
Start from 32 USD/ plant
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Monstera Borsigiana Albo 100% Variegated (TC)
A distinct variant of Monstera Borsigiana is Monstera Borsigiana Albo. Many people like its stunning, almost-white, green leaves, which can be marbled, streaked, or in big blocks, like the half moon. This Monstera is unique since it typically has a design that flawlessly blends marbles, green, and white. The leaves are considered to be tougher to burn than those of other species and to be easier to maintain. The more leaves that grow, the more attractive they become. Place it close to a window with good light but is never directly in the sun rays. Use rich soil when planting it in a pot with drainage and try watering when the top inch or two feels dry.
Start from 58 USD/ plant
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Monstera Mint 100% Variegated (TC)
A subspecies of the Monstera Deliciosa Variegata is the Monstera Mint Variegated. As such, it has similarly shaped leaves with the exception of the unique light green variegations. Mint Monstera is a great option if you’re seeking a challenge and a little surprise! because the variegation isn’t consistent! Even if the plant loses its variegation, it will still retain the classic Swiss Cheese foliage of a Monstera! The most crucial thing to remember is to make sure they receive lots of direct, bright sunlight. The best type of soil for your Variegated Monstera Mint is well-draining soil that is loose and airy. Water your Monstera every 1-2 weeks, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. This will allow air to get through the roots to prevent root rot.
Start from 55 USD/ plant
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Monstera Aurea Var. (TC)
It is possible to distinguish Monstera aurea from other variegated Monstera plants thanks to its highly distinctive characteristics. Unlike other white variegated plants you’ve ever had, this variety of Monstera Aurea has distinctive and lovely yellow variegations! It features magnificent big leaves, an unusual shape, and fenestrations that resemble Monstera deliciosa quite a bit. The most popular indoor gardening trend right now! For your monstera aurea plant to thrive, it will need well-draining soil, ideal humidity levels of 65% and above, temperature ranges between 65 and 80° F, bright, indirect sunlight, appropriate watering—it should be watered at least once or twice a week in summer and just once a week in winter—and well-watered soil.
70-90% chance of variegation
Start from 40 USD
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Monstera Thai Constellation 100% Variegated (TC)
Monstera Thai Constellation was developed in a lab in Thailand and has been in demand all along. The highlight of this gorgeous Monstera is permanent variegation. Furthermore, it has large leaves with creamy white variegated scattered across the leaves like a constellation as its name. The Monstera Thai Constellations prefer bright ambient light and humidity, so positioning it in an airy place and not overwater is recommended.
Start from 99 USD / 10 Plants
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Showing all 7 results