“Musa”, an Elegant and Easy-to-grow Banana Plant

DATE : June 1, 2023 By :

“Musa”, an Elegant and Easy-to-grow Banana Plant

       Many people probably know about the banana plant. However, do you know that Musa has many famous and beautiful species? Do you want to get to know Musa? Therefore, today we are going to introduce Musa to everyone. Okay, if you’re ready, let’s see it!


The Origin of the Musa

musa florida variegated

       Musa, also known as the banana plant, is a herbaceous plant in the banana family (Musaceae), which includes more than 60 species. It is native to Southeast Asia and Australia. The Musa has been cultivated since the 6th century, making it one of the oldest commercial indoor plants. The first banana nursery was in Costa Rica. Besides, the Musa is also named after “William Cavendish” who brought the banana to Europe.


The Characteristics of the Musa

musa nono variegated

       Musa identity is its large glossy green leaves that make you feel like you are in the middle of a tropical forest. If planted in the house, it will not produce bananas. However, with its outstanding appearance, people popularly decorate their homes with the Musa even though there are no banana fruits. Musa have no wood but what we can see is the trunk that is the big leaf stalk. The patterns on the leaves vary depending on the species. For example, Musa Florida Var. has white variegation all over its leaves. Famous species like Musa NoNo Var. have both White Var. and Pink Var. We assure you that the Musa is very interesting. Your home will definitely be shady if you plant it.


How to Care for the Musa

        Taking care of the Musa is very simple because it is easy to grow. Just plant in bright indirect sunlight and water regularly. Do not let the topsoil dry out since the Musa is a tropical plant, it is especially fond of moisture. Humidity around 60-90% is ideal. Moreover, be careful of the dry air as it can turn the banana leaves brown. If you want the leaves to stay shiny, gently wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. Follow these, your Musa will grow strong and beautiful.

       How about the Musa that we have introduced? Stunning and easy-to-grow like this, you should grow one. Finally, if you are interested in Musa but are still hesitant or have a question, we are happy to advise and export the best quality plants from Thailand to you every season.


See you again on the following topic, bye<3



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