Let’s Welcome the Christmas Season with 4 Aglaonema Plants!

DATE : November 23, 2023 By :

Let’s Welcome the Christmas Season with 4 Aglaonema Plants!

       Winter is a sign of the end of the year, and Christmas, the festival everyone is waiting for, is considered the highlight of this period. Some people may be looking for plants to match the Christmas theme but are worried about importing plants during the cold season. Therefore, today we will introduce “4 Aglaonema” that are quite durable and beautiful for the Christmas season for everyone. Plus, Aglaonema is considered one of the  best-selling plants in Thailand during Christmas. We guarantee that after reading, you will definitely want to plant one. Well, if you are ready, let’s take a look!


Aglaonema Tiara

Aglaonema Tiara
อโกลนีมา เทียร่า (Aglaonema Tiara)

       “Aglaonema Tiara” also known as “Aglaonema Pink Panther” has distinctive features with slender, pointed, and dark green leaves contrasting with bright red, which are the color of a holiday festival like Christmas. Aglaonema Tiara is easy to care for. It can tolerate low-light conditions, but if it receives shaded light too long, the leaf colors may fade. If you want to see Aglaonema Tiara’s beautiful leaves, we highly recommend you to plant in a bright indirect sunlight location. Always keep the environment humid and warm, and use well-drained soil. That’s all, your Aglaonema Tiara will be ready to shine. 


Aglaonema Kamlaitong

Aglaonema Kamlaitong
อโกลนีมา กำไลทอง (Aglaonema Kamlaitong)

       If you want rare Aglaonema, we proudly recommend “Aglaonema Kamlaitong”. This Aglaonema is a hybrid with a more compact form than other Aglaonema. Its leaves are round, and the tip of the leaf is slender. Some leaves are light green mixed with pastel pink, making the Aglaonema look cute and cherished. It is also an auspicious plant that is believed to increase luck and wealth for the grower. Taking care of Aglaonema Kamlaitong is not difficult as it is a durable plant. Just plant it in a bright spot but not direct sunlight. Use planting material that drains well, and maintain warm conditions. These ways are enough to grow the adorable Aglaonema Kamlaitong if you keep following it.


Aglaonema Prakaipet 

Aglaonema Prakaipet
อโกลนีมา ประกายเพชร (Aglaonema Prakaipet)

       “Aglaonema Prakaipet” is one of the aglaonema that is known for its beauty. The highlight of this plant is its colorful leaves, which are pale pink, light yellow, and light green. Some leaves may be mixed with red as well. With such beautiful colors, it will stand out anywhere you place it in your house. Caring for Aglaonema Prakaipet is similar to other Aglaonema plants, just plant it in a bright indirect sunlight spot. Water when the soil surface is dry. Be careful not to let it overwater to prevent root rot. If you do these, your beloved Aglaonema Prakaipet will be as outstanding as other plants for sure!


Aglaonema Pink Kamkoon

Aglaonema Pink Kamkoon
อโกลนีมา ค้ำคูณ (Aglaonema Pink Kamkoon)

       The last Aglaonema for welcoming the Christmas season is “Aglaonema Pink Kamkoon”. This Aglaonema is one of the most popular plants of the Aglaonema family because it is a rare hybrid plant. Aglaonema Pink Kamkoon’s charm is its dark green margin contrasting with hot pink inside. It can survive in the cold weather and be grown anywhere, as long as the environment is warm. Regularly water 2-3 times per week and use well-drained soil to help with waterlogging. That’s it, your fancy Aglaonema Pink Kamkoon will be ready for Christmas!

       How about the “4 Aglaonema plants” that we have introduced? If you are interested in Aglaonema Tiara tc, Aglaonema Kamlaitong tc, Aglaonema Prakaipet tc, and Aglaonema Pink Kamkoon tc but are still hesitant or have a question, we are happy to advise and export the best quality plants from Thailand to you in every season.


See you again on the following topic, bye<3



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