How “Monstera Laniata Albo” is Different from “Monstera Adansonii”?

DATE : November 18, 2023 By :

Monstera Laniata Albo
How “Monstera Laniata Albo” is Different from “Monstera Adansonii”?

        “Monstera” is well-known and one of our top selling plants. If you have visited our website to look at Monsteras, you may have seen “Monstera Laniata Albo” and “Monstera Adansonii”. Do you know how Monstera Laniata Albo is different from Monstera Adansonii? Therefore, today we are going to answer your questions. Well, if you are ready, let’s take a look!


The Origin of the Monstera

Monstera Laniata Albo

        “Monstera” is a member of the family Aroceae of the genus Monstera, whose scientific name is Monstera deliciosa Liebm. Thai people call it shredded betel or split betel. The word Monstera comes from the Latin ‘Monstrum’, meaning bizarre based on the unusual shape and margin of the leaf. ‘Deliciosa’ means delicious, referring to the fruit of this plant.


Monstera Laniata Vs Adansonii

Monstera Laniata Albo

        Arriving at the main topic, how Monstera Laniata Albo is different from Monstera Adansonii. At first glance, these two Monstera plants are very similar because Monstera Laniata Albo is a subspecies of Monstera Adansonii, which is a different plant. The difference between these plants is that the underside of the leaves of the Monstera Lanieta Albo is matte while the Monstera  Adansonii is more glossy. Moreover, the Laniata has two stripes of holes in the center of the leaf. This is different from Adansonii in that it has random holes all over the leaves. A simple recognition is that the Lanieta Albo has two holes running along the middle of the fold of each leaf.


How to Care for the Monstera Laniata Albo and Monstera Adansonii 

Monstera Laniata Albo

        Caring for Monstera Laniata Albo and Monstera Adansonii is similar. Both Monstera plants are sensitive to direct sunlight. Therefore, it should be planted in a bright indirect sunlight location. They also like warm and humid conditions, so you should maintain moisture by watering regularly and not allowing the soil to dry out. Be careful not to let it get soggy as this will cause the roots to rot. Using well-draining and nutrient-rich soil will help solve the waterlogging problem. If you follow these tips regularly, we guarantee that your Monstera Lanieta Albo and Monstera Adansoniii will be healthy and beautiful, worth your home and garden!

       How about the “Monstera Laniata Albo and Monstera Adansonii” that we have introduced? It is worth planting to decorate your house, right? Not at all, if you are interested in Monstera Laniata Albo and Monstera Adansonii Variegated but are still hesitant or have a question, we are happy to advise and export the best quality plants from Thailand to you in every season.


See you again on the following topic, bye<3



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