‘‘Homalomena Rubescens Variegated’’, a beauty among the stars

          Before we’re going to know about Homalomena Rubescens Variegated, Let’s get to know a plant called ‘‘Homalomena’’ first. Homalomenas are tropical and subtropical plants. Almost 100 species are a plant in the Araceae family. They were found in a humid climate in Columbia, Costa Rica, Borneo, Sumatra, Java, the Philippines, … Continue reading ‘‘Homalomena Rubescens Variegated’’, a beauty among the stars

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5 Techniques to Keep Your Indoor Plants Always Healthy and Beautiful

          People who love indoor plants might know that taking care of indoor plants and outdoor plants are completely different. Be it light amount, atmosphere, and consistency, special care is the most important thing for your plants to remain beautiful and healthy. Moreover, the wrong method can make your plants sick … Continue reading 5 Techniques to Keep Your Indoor Plants Always Healthy and Beautiful

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Let’s Get to Know Musa Florida Variegated and Monstera Thai Constellation

       When it comes to ornamental plants, everyone’s favorite might be different to their liking. Whether those plants are famous or not. However, there are popular ornamental plants that collectors seek. The reason why they are in favor might be a rarity, uniqueness, and price. So, we can’t deny that these plants are … Continue reading Let’s Get to Know Musa Florida Variegated and Monstera Thai Constellation

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5 ideas to increase a garden space

       There’s no denying that gardeners have to think a lot before managing their gardens such as budget and design. However, one of the most important factors is ‘‘space’’. Those people who have enough space might not face managing issues but it is tough for some people. Therefore, today we are going to … Continue reading 5 ideas to increase a garden space

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‘‘Syngonium Red Spot Tricolor’’ An Outstanding Foliage Plant

       When we talk about ‘‘Syngonium’’ almost everyone might know that it is a popular and unique foliage plant. Moreover, there is a belief in Thailand that if you plant some Syngoniums at your house, they’ll support your luck in finance. Therefore, today we are going to show you one of the most … Continue reading ‘‘Syngonium Red Spot Tricolor’’ An Outstanding Foliage Plant

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