3 Hot Plants That Will Be in Trend in 2024

DATE : December 14, 2023 By :

3 hot plants 2024 01
3 Hot Plants That Will Be in Trend in 2024

       Now, we are at the end of the year, and some people may be looking for interesting plants that will trend in 2024. Therefore, today we will introduce “3 Hot Plants That Will Be in Trend in 2024” to everyone. They are beautiful and eye-catching for sure. Well, if you want to know what plants there are, let’s take a look together!


Alocasia Bambino Variegated

Alocasia Bambino Variegated 
อโลคาเซียแบมบิโน่ด่าง (Alocasia Bambino Variegated)

       Let’s start with the first popular plant, “Alocasia Bambino Variegated”. If you are an Alocasia fan, you must definitely know this plant because Alocasia Bambino Variegated have been popular in recent years, including next year as well. Besides, Alocasia Bambino Variegated  is a small air-purifying plant that can grow to 40 cm. Its white stems and slender, pointed, dark green leaves contrasting with silver veins make it look more eye-catching. Plus, there is different white variegation in each plant. It is suitable for decorating homes or buildings as it can absorb toxins by purifying the air, so it is healthy for residents. As it originated in the humid tropics area, the Alocasia Bambino Variegated loves sunlight and humidity. It should be planted in a well-lit area and watered 2-3 times a week to maintain moisture, but do not overwater it as this can lead to root rot. Using well-drained soil such as coconut coir mixed with loam is recommended. You can also use fertilizer to help Alocasia Bambino Variegated thrive more perfectly.


Philodendron Green Congo Hybrid

Philodendron Green Congo Hybrid
ฟิโลเดนดรอน กรีนคองโกไฮบริด (Philodendron Green Congo Hybrid)

       The next plant is “Philodendron Green Congo Hybrid”, a plant in the famous plant family like “Philodendron”, which can be found in almost every home. This plant is Philodendron Green Congo in variegated form. Its distinctive feature is its long, slender leaves that are half bright yellow and half dark green on each leaf. These combinations give a feeling of freshness and energy, suitable for a new beginning. Moreover, caring for the Philodendron Green Congo Hybrid is simple. Just water regularly when the soil begins to dry out. Use well-draining soil to prevent waterlogging, which causes root rot. If you do this, your beloved Philodendron Green Congo Hybrid will definitely grow beautiful and strong!


Monstera Aurea Variegated

Monstera Aurea Variegated
มอนสเตอร่า ออเรียด่างเหลือง (Monstera Aurea Variegated)

       The last hot plant of 2024 is “Monstera Aurea Variegated”. Monstera is a popular plant that never fails to gain popularity. Monstera Aurea Variegated is one of the famous Monstera plants as well. The origin of Monstera Aurea Variegated comes from the Latin word “Aurea”, a feminine name meaning golden yellow, which is its highlight. Since it is native to rainforests, it thrives in soils that are rich in nutrients and moist. Peat moss, orchid bark, and perlite mixed are recommended. For watering, water 1-2 times per week in summer, and once per week in winter. Be careful not to let it get soggy to prevent root rot. It is perfect to plant Monstera Aurea Variegated in a bright indirect sunlight place.

       How about the “3 Hot Plants That Will Be in Trend in 2024” that we have introduced? If you are interested in Alocasia Bambino Variegated tc, Philodendron Green Congo Hybrid, and Monstera Aurea Variegated but are still hesitant or have a question, we are happy to advise and export the best quality plants from Thailand to you in every season.


See you again on the following topic, bye<3



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