3 Aurea Plants from the Famous Plant Family

DATE : May 12, 2023 By :

3 Aurea Plants from the Famous Plant Family

       If you are an Aurea plant fan, please come this way. “Aurea” comes from a female name in Latin meaning “golden yellow”, which is a name that indicates its unique identity very well. Plus, the bright Aurea plant is lively and suitable for home decoration. Nowadays, plant collectors also like to collect Aurea plants in their collections, too. Therefore, today we will introduce “3 Aurea Plants from the Famous Plant Family” to you. We assure you that plant collectors will love it. Well, if you are ready, let’s go!


  1. Alocasia Gageana Aurea Var.

อโลคาเซียหูช้างด่างเหลือง (Alocasia Gageana Aurea Variegated)
อโลคาเซียหูช้างด่างเหลือง (Alocasia Gageana Aurea Variegated)

       “Alocasia Gageana Aurea Variegated” is a plant in the Araceae family. Its leaves have a large heart shape and sharp tips. Moreover, It has glossy and thick leaves like animal skins. The edges of the leaves are slightly jagged. Its distinctive feature is the golden-yellow variegated pattern on the leaves.  There is also a petiole that resembles an elephant’s ear and a leaf tip that looks like an elephant’s trunk. Super interesting, isn’t it? We confirm that anyone who sees it must love it.

How to Care for the Alocasia Gageana Aurea Var.

        How to care for Alocasia Gageana Aurea Variegated is the same as any other variegated plant. Be careful about sunlight, as the variegated plant is quite fragile. You should plant in dim sunlight (about 60-80%). Alocasia Gageana Aurea Variegated prefers moisture, so you should water it 1-2 times a day. Do not let the plant material dry out. Besides, loamy soil can help with draining.


  1. Syngonium Podophyllum Aurea Var.

เงินไหลมาด่างเหลือง (Syngonium Podophyllum Aurea Var.)
เงินไหลมาด่างเหลือง (Syngonium Podophyllum Aurea Var.)

        If you are looking for an easy-to-grow Aurea plant, the “Syngonium Podophyllum Aurea Variegated” is your answer. It is in the Araceae family and is native to many areas, such as Brazil, Bolivia, South America, and Mexico. Bright yellow variegated on the green arrowhead leaves is its uniqueness. This plant is outstanding and stylish, suitable for decorating the house. You can add more color to your house by planting it.

How to Care for the Syngonium Podophyllum Aurea Var.

       Syngonium Podophyllum Aurea Variegated is easy to care for, but you have to be careful about burning leaves since it is a variegated plant. Planting it in a place where sunlight is dim and airy is recommended. Avoid planting in full sun. If you want the leaves to be more beautiful, use a damp cloth to wipe the leaves. Just like this, your beloved Syngonium Podophyllum Aurea Variegated will be shiny and catching.


  1. Monstera Aurea Var.

มอนสเตอร่าด่างเหลือง (Monstera Aurea Var.)
มอนสเตอร่าด่างเหลือง (Monstera Aurea Var.)

       The last Aurea plant is “Monstera Aurea Variegated”, a famous plant family that many people might be familiar with. Monstera was a tough plant. In addition, the more bright yellow variegated on the leaves, the more attractive it is. Plus, the Aurea patterns are different. It has heart-shaped leaves when it is young, but the leaves begin to have lobes as they grow. Not only Monstera Aurea Variegated is stunning, but it is also able to purify the air and absorb toxins. This is an alluring and versatile plant, so you should have one.

How to Care for the Monstera Aurea Var.

         Monstera Aurea Variegated should not be planted in sunny places. Planting it in a bright spot with dim sunlight is the best. Besides, it likes moist but not wet conditions. Using a transparent planting material will help Monstera Aurea Variegated drain water better.

        How about the “3 Aurea Plants from the Famous Plant Family” that we have introduced? All of these Aurea plants are interesting, right? Finally, if you are interested in Alocasia Gageana Aurea 100% Var. (TC), Syngonium Podophyllum Aurea Var. (TC), and Monstera Aurea Var. (TC) but are still hesitant or have a question, we are happy to advise and export the best quality plants from Thailand to you every season.


See you again on the following topic, bye<3



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