White Princess or Snow Princess, How did it get this nickname?

DATE : December 21, 2021 By :

white princess
white princess

        White Princess, or what Thai people call “Snow Princess” is another species of variegated plant that people are still looking for, both grown and tissue culture plant. The White Princess resembles the White Wizard and the White Knight, the all-time favorite foliage, which is still popular and shows no sign of a price drop. If you have tried to get to know this White Princess, we confirm that you will want to raise one for sure.

        White Princess or Snow Princess is the same genus of Philodendrons as Philodendron Billietiae and Philodendron Caramel Marble. It is a climber with heart-shaped leaves. The tip of the leaf is pointed into a lobe. The leaves are usually green. However, if they are variegated, they will have white and light green variegated. Some leaves may be white variegated all over the leaves. If you are lucky, it will be mixed with pink variegated (The price will also increase). Stems and stalks are primarily green with white and pale pink to red. Besides, it also has aerial roots interlaced.

        Taking care of the White Princess is not difficult at all. Just find a watery plant material that drains well, such as chopped coconut husks mixed with perlite. Furthermore, find a suitable place that is well ventilated and does not let the leaves be directly exposed to sunlight. Just follow these methods, the White Princess can live longer. If raised in the house, watering 2 days a week is enough. However, you should change the location: indoor to outdoor once a week to get more normal light and temperature.

        How is it? Growing beautiful foliage plants like the White Princess is not complicated, isn’t it? So, let us repeat a little more to prevent confusion. If you wonder which one is White Wizard, White Knight, and White Princess, you should look at the shaft because they are different. Remember! The green, pink and white stem is definitely White Princess! That’s all for our topic today, so if you want to know what stems other white plants have, you can wait for our next article. See you next time.

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