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Philodendron El Choco Red

Philodendron El Choco Red


The beautiful green velvet heart-shaped leaves, Philodendron El Choco Red is a plant from El Choco, the region of Colombia, giving its name. The red is  the color of its new young leaves.  Philodendron El Choco Red is also known as Philodendron Rubrijuvenilum, meaning “red when juvenile”. It requires low-maintenance. Well-drainage and light soil is perfect for this plant. In its natural habitat, it lives in more than 60% humidity. This plant also needs bright but indirect sunlight. Besides, it doesn’t like the cold so you need to keep them warm.

Start from 23.44 USD 

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Monstera Lechleriana Variegated

Monstera Lechleriana Variegated


Monstera Lechleriana Variegated is one of plants with a unique appearance from the Monstera genus. Once it has perfect growing conditions, it will give you very attractive transformed foliages. The transformed leaves have holes in the leaves that give the signature monstrous leaves of Monstera plants. To get them, you just need to grow it in warm temperature and humidity conditions. Monstera Lechleriana Var. prefers indirect filtered sunlight. As it is the variegated plant, you need to avoid direct sunlight that will get the leaves burnt. Moreover, this plant will be happy if you grow it in well draining and airy soil. Then you can enjoy watching the plant growing up beautifully!

Start from 35 USD 

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Philodendron Golden Dragon Variegated

Philodendron Golden Dragon Variegated


A unique hybrid named “Philodendron Golden Dragon” was reportedly developed in Thailand from Philodendron Bipennifolium. The leaves have evident white, cream, yellowish, or mint sectors, splotches, and half-moons shape. The variation may recur because it is erratic and unstable. This attractive hybrid grows quickly, requires little maintenance. For its spectacular variegations to be supported and maintained, it requires strong, indirect, or filtered light. Avoid low light levels and very bright direct sunshine. It thrives in warm, humid environments. While it cannot stand having damp feet, it also prefers moist soil. So, wait a little before watering the soil. Pot Size: 8  Inches Plant Height: 40 Cm.  

Start from 157.58 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (GW028) [post-views]  

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Philodendron Domesticum Variegated

Philodendron Domesticum Variegated


The “spade leaf philodendron” is an indoor perennial vine called Philodendron Domesticum Variegated. They are distinguished by having leaves with long, heart-shaped stalks. Additionally, they exude a jungle vibe that gives your home a livelier appearance. The variegated version has shades of green, yellow, and white on the leaves, giving it a striking appearance. The Philodendron Domesticum grows best in areas with indirect, bright sunlight. Checking the top 2 inches of soil once a week is the best way to determine whether the plant needs watering. If it’s dry, water them properly and use potting soil that drains well and has 20 % added perlite. The leaves of mature plants can grow up to 22 inches long and 9 inches broad and have an 8-foot maximum height. Pot Size:6  Inches Plant Height: 35  Cm.  

Start from 167 USD 

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Monstera Albo Holland

Monstera Albo Holland


A distinct variant of Monstera Borsigiana is Monstera Albo Holland. Many people like its stunning, almost-white, green leaves, which can be marbled, streaked, or in big blocks, like the half moon. This Monstera is unique since it typically has a design that flawlessly blends marbles, green, and white. The leaves are considered to be tougher to burn than those of other species and to be easier to maintain. The more leaves that grow, the more attractive they become.  Place it close to a window with good light but is never directly in the sun rays. Use rich soil when planting it in a pot with drainage and try watering when the top inch or two feels dry. Pot Size:  6 Inches Plant Height: 25 Cm.  

Start from 50 USD 

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Alocasia Black Stem Variegated

Alocasia Black Stem Variegated


Alocasia Black Stem Variegated is a unique plant, with its stunning straight black stems that help the forest green, creamy white-variegated leaves upright. In addition, the leaves color change over time and are extremely sun-sensitive. This plant will definitely add a refreshing and calming vibe to your home garden! It’s for sure a must-have item for a beginner plant collector because of its affordable prices The fact that an alocasia is a descendent of rainforest plants means that it thrives in humid situations. Also, It thrives in light, well-drained soil and  grows quickly and dislikes direct sunlight. Pot Size:  6 Inches Plant Height: 22 Cm.  

Start from 65 USD 

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Philodendron Red Anderson

Philodendron Red Anderson


Philodendron Red Anderson


Philodendron Red Anderson has magnificent red-orange leaves that grow to green and red stems. This Philodendron has a slow climbing tendency and is a cold-tolerant philodendron that is really simple to grow. For those who are just beginning to grow philodendrons, this is a must. Their young leaves and stems are a vibrant red color, which darkens with age. It will give your garden a fantastic jungle vibe if allowed to climb A well-draining, well-aerated medium should be used for your Red Anderson, and between waterings, you should let it partially dry. Bright, indirect sunshine is what Red Anderson prefers.

Start from 35 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (GW030) [post-views]

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Philodendron Williamsii Hybrid

Philodendron Williamsii Hybrid


You ought to get a Philodendron Williamsii Hybrid in your backyard garden because it is very rare in both nature and collections! Philodendron williamsii has fairly coriaceous (leathery) leaf blades, and according to Aroids, members of the Arum family can reach a height of 35 inches (90 cm). The blades of the Philodendron Williamsii hybrid, however, only measure 30 to 76 cm (1 foot to 2.5 feet) in length. The philodendron flourishes in moderately bright, occasionally shadowed light. The plant is growing on peat, orchid bark, and perlite-rich soil that drains quite well. Pot Size: 6 Inches Plant Height: 22 Cm.  

Start from 879 USD 

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Philodendron Violin Variegated

Philodendron Violin Variegated


Philodendron Violin Variegated, like the majority of Philodendron species, is an epiphyte. Due to the way the leaves look, this plant is known by many common names, including Horsehead Philodendron, Fiddle Leaf Philodendron, and Violin Philodendron. The mature Philodendron bipennifolium has thinly leathery, bright green leaves with slightly ragged edges that resemble a horse's head. Due to its intriguing coloration, the demand for variegated Philodendron violin is consistently high. This plant stands out from other plants because of its shiny green color. While the variegation has a deep and light yellow color, it can also plainly change shape as it matures.Philodendron Bipennifolium Violin Variegated does not like excessive water intensity so it  needs to be watered 2 times in a week so that the growing medium is not too wet. It prefers bright direct filtered sunlight is the best for this plant since this plant does not tolerate direct sunlight.

Start from 118.18$/ plant

*ExWork Price   How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (GW027) [post-views]

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Philodendron Williamsii Hybrid

Philodendron Williamsii Hybrid


You ought to get a Philodendron Williamsii Hybrid in your backyard garden because it is very rare in both nature and collections! Philodendron williamsii has fairly coriaceous (leathery) leaf blades, and according to Aroids, members of the Arum family can reach a height of 35 inches (90 cm). The blades of the Philodendron williamsii, however, only measure 30 to 76 cm (1 foot to 2.5 feet) in length, according to the scientific description of the plant. Our philodendron may flourish in moderately bright, occasionally shadowed light. The plant is growing on peat, orchid bark, and perlite-rich soil that drains quite well. Pot Size: 5  Inches Plant Height: 18 Cm.

Start from 758 THB/ plant

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Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Variegated

Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Variegated


The Monstera Deliciosa-related Philodendron "Ginny" (Rhaphidophora tetrasperma) is a vining plant. One of today's more aesthetically pleasing house plants is a rare tropical aroid with tiny decorative leaves with split lobes around 6" across.  Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Var.'s multicolored variety is very uncommon, becoming one of the most well-liked plants! Variegation can occur naturally, although it is more frequently seen in plants that have undergone genetic modification through propagation and selective breeding. How to keep Ginny content and flourishing in your home. Place your plant in a location that receives lots of natural light while keeping it out of direct sunshine. It enjoys warmth and a healthy dose of dampness. It can endure the weather outside. Water your plant once the top few inches of soil have begun to dry up.  

Start from 90.91 USD / 1 plants

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (GW034) [post-views]

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Philodendron Giganteum 100% variegatedPhilodendron Giganteum 100% Variegated (TC)

Philodendron Giganteum 100% Variegated (TC)


The Philodendron Giganteum is the biggest indoor plant you can grow! This plant can be the right choice if you want something substantial. As suggested by its name (Giganteum), this plant is recognized for its glossy, lush, fan-shaped foliage. Since the foliage resembles an elephant's ear, it is also referred to as the Philodendron Giganteum elephant ear.  Due to its large size, the Philodendron Giganteum will make your garden more impressive. It has heart-shaped leaves that can reach a length of 2 feet and are a vibrant, fresh green color. This plant prefers well-drained, loamy soil that is rich in organic matter, bright indirect sunshine, and water only when the top 2 inches of the soil are dry.

Start from 42 USD/ 10 plants 

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Monstera Mint

Monstera Mint


Monstera Mint


A subspecies of the Monstera Deliciosa Variegata is the Monstera Deliciosa Mint Variegated. As such, it has similarly shaped leaves with the exception of the unique light green variegations. Mint Monstera is a great option if you're seeking a challenge and a little surprise! because the variegation isn't consistent! Even if the plant loses its variegation, it will still retain the classic Swiss Cheese foliage of a Monstera! The most crucial thing to remember is to make sure they receive lots of direct, bright sunlight. The best type of soil for your Variegated Monstera Mint is well-draining soil that is loose and airy. Water your Monstera every 1-2 weeks, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. This will allow air to get through the roots to prevent root rot. Pot Size: 6 Inches Plant Height: 42 Cm.  

Start from 321.97 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (GW032) [post-views]

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Philodendron Jungle FeverPhilodendron Jungle Fever

Philodendron Jungle Fever


Rare and desired, the Philodendron "Jungle Fever" has mint-green leaves. clumps up in an upright vase-like form. A rare philodendron with gracefully speckled pale green leaves, Jungle Fever climbs slowly. This cultivar thrives in compact pots. It will develop thicker foliage and grow at a rate of 1 to 2 feet every year on a totem. It is believed to be the best choice for adding a jungle vibe to the home garden. The ideal growing conditions are rich, organic, acidic soil that is never waterlogged. Between waterings, allow the soil to mostly dry out. Water routinely and fertilize once a month, more frequently in containers and enjoy bright, indoor light. Pot Size: 6 Inches Plant Height: 28 Cm.  

Start from 80 USD 

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Monstera Thai Constellation PlatinumMonstera Thai Constellation “Platinum”

Monstera Thai Constellation “Platinum”


The Monstera Thai Constellation's subvariety! The rarest mutation appears to be this one! Because of its distinctiveness and the exquisite star-like specks of variegation on the leaves, more delicate than any other Monstera, this plant has been given the nickname "Platinum"! We advise getting the Monstera Thai Constellation "Platinum" if you want to give your room the utmost cosmic feel. To maintain its beauty and health, this plant enjoys and needs bright indirect light. at least once every week, water. If the soil is still moist, test the top 2 inches of the soil with your finger before watering. During the growing seasons (Spring/Summer), fertilizer should be applied monthly. Pot Size: 8 Inches Plant Height: 43 Cm.  

Start from 1,213 USD 

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Philodendron Green Congo

Philodendron Green Congo


The large-leafed houseplant, Philodendron green Congo, has a jungle-like appearance at first look. Philodendron Congo is a hybrid cultivar of the Philodendron family with smooth-edged, oval-shaped leaves that are low-humidity tolerant, making it a suitable choice for growing indoors in homes and workplaces. It enjoys bright light, damp soil, and regular watering encourages the growth of large leaves.  The Philodendron Green Congo is a fast-growing plant that, when fully grown, can reach a height of four feet. It develops a lush variety of robust, deep, dark, lustrous green leaves as it expands upward and outward. Pot Size: 8 Inches Plant Height: 36 Cm.

Start from 910 USD 

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Homalomena Rubescens Var (TC)Homalomena Rubescens Variegated (TC)

Homalomena Rubescens Variegated (TC)


Homalomena Rubescens Var. is a well-known decorative plant in the Homalomena family as it has heart-shaped green leaves and yellow variegates. There are the whole variegated leaf and the blot variegated on the leaf of the Homalomena Rubescens Var. It requires special care because it is a variegated plant. Planting in the dim light, watering regularly, and using well-drained planting material will help it grow up healthy.  

Start from 52 USD 

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Musa nono var tcMusa NoNo *white var. 100% / pink Variegated 90% (TC)

Musa NoNo *white var. 100% / pink Variegated 90% (TC)


Musa NoNo is a desirable banana plant because its bewitching and unique variegated pattern can win plant lovers' hearts and recently becoming popular in the plant market. It has huge green leaves with white or pink variegation. Plus, it also has a 90% chance of pink variegated. This fascinating Musa NoNo loves 50% humidity, so maintaining the soil moist with water regular is the perfect key.  

Start from 18 USD 

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Alocasia Amazonica Variegated (TC)

Alocasia Amazonica Variegated (TC)


Alocasia Amazonica Variegated is one of the recommended houseplants for Alocasia lovers since it has alluring white variegated contrast with fresh arrow-shaped green leaves. The beauty of Alocasia Amazonica Variegated is its wavy edges and thick silvery leaf veins. Taking care of this lovely plant is not complicated. Avoid direct sunlight and waterlogging can help it fully grow. 

90-100% chance of variegation

Start from 43 USD / Plant

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Philodendron GiganteumPhilodendron Giganteum (Tend to be variegated) (TC)

Philodendron Giganteum (Tend to be variegated) (TC)


The Philodendron Giganteum is the biggest indoor plant you can grow! This plant can be the right choice if you want something substantial. As suggested by its name (Giganteum), this plant is recognized for its glossy, lush, fan-shaped foliage. Since the foliage resembles an elephant's ear, it is also referred to as the Philodendron Giganteum elephant ear.  Due to its large size, the Philodendron Giganteum will make your garden more impressive. It has heart-shaped leaves that can reach a length of 2 feet and are a vibrant, fresh green color. This plant prefers well-drained, loamy soil that is rich in organic matter, bright indirect sunshine, and water only when the top 2 inches of the soil are dry.

10-30% chance of variegation

Start from 21 USD/ 10 plants

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. [post-views]

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Showing 41–60 of 61 results