Showing 61–80 of 117 results

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Alocasia Stringray Variegated

Alocasia Stringray Variegated


This is a golden rare and most abnormal leaf-shape Alocasia, which is native to Southeast Asia. It is Alocasia Macrorrhizos Variegated, common name “Alocasia  Stingray Variegated”. The outstanding points of this plant are the incredible stingray-like leaves with white variegated. Very recommended for those who love weird plants and challenging! This plant is highly sensitive to sunlight and watering too much. However, it still needs shaded or bright indirect light to grow. Growing soil with full nutrients and airflow are required. Also, keep the soil moist. Water your plant often but be careful of over. It will be root rot. Lastly, pay attention to proper temperatures and humidity. Alocasia  Stingray Variegated will be happy in warm and high humidity in indoor environments.

Start from 226.52 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (NW065) [post-views]  

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Alocasia Nobilis Variegated

Alocasia Nobilis Variegated

A super rare variegated Alocasia, Alocasia Nobilis Variegated is a unique Alocasia with its v-shape, white veins, and glossy foliages. The beauty of the variegated leaves version is another level. On the other hand, it requires more maintenance than the normal dark green version. To put it simply, variegated Alocasia Nobilis is highly sensitive to sunlight and water. The area where you place your place needs to be in low-light, away from direct sunlight. Moreover, soaking your plant in water, watering too often, will rotten the roots. However, it is necessary to keep the soil moist and high humidity. One more important point is to let your plant enjoy growing in full-nutrient soil! *ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (NW064) [post-views]  

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Monstera Ocean Mint

Monstera Ocean Mint


This plant is actually a mint variegated Deliciosa Monstera. The variegation pattern looks like an ocean, so it is known by the common name “Monstera Ocean Mint”. Normally, the Monstera Deliciosa Mint variegated is barely found in the common plant markets. This beautiful Monstera is thus very rare because it’s extremely hard to find one having contorted leaves and also having green color blended with mint variegation. This plant can grow both indoor and outdoor, depending on your area conditions. Growing conditions this plant needs are places where bright indirect light reaches, well draining mixed soil, high humidity, and regular watering when the soil is dry out(not just the surface).

Start from 833.33 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (NW061) [post-views]  

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Alocasia Silver Dragon Variegated

Alocasia Silver Dragon Variegated


What’s more to add to your variegated Alocasia collection? How about Alocasia Silver Dragon Variegated? This charming Alocasia is unique by its silver leaves. When they are combined with light yellow and white variegation, it’s incredible! This plant is thus a very rare item, especially with more beautiful variegated patterns. However, the more variegated, the more sensitive. Therefore, knowing important core conditions for Alocasia is necessary. How to care: most Alocasia love high humidity as they are all found in rainforests or tropical countries. If the area where you grow them is dry, find the humidifier. In the same way, regularly spray water on your plant. For the light, direct light will burn Alocasia. Your plant loves shade light or bright indirect light. Moreover, it loves well drained soil. By the way, overwatering is almost the top reason why planters fail. The tip is to water the plant when the soil is actually dry, but don’t let it dry for a long time. Start from 200 USD  *ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (NW059) [post-views]  

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Alocasia Cuprea Pink Variegated

Alocasia Cuprea Pink Variegated


Favorite plant for many Alocasia lovers!, the beauty of Alocasia Cuprea Pink Variegated is so dramatic. The lovely pink variegated on its shiny coppery green leaves makes it look as if it’s a plant in fantasy movies. Nevertheless, this beautiful plant comes with sensitivity. This plant is well known for its difficulty to care, but don’t be scared. It's worth a try!  How to care: Alocasia thrives in bright but indirect light. Just avoid them touching direct sunlight. Moisture is the key. Keep the soil moist, but don’t let the soil be too wet, or too dry. Watering frequency depends on the area conditions.

Start from 1404.55 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (NW063) [post-views]  

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Alocasia Black Velvet Pink Variegated

Alocasia Black Velvet Pink Variegated


Normally, Alocasia Black Velvet Pink Variegated is very rare. Alocasia Black Velvet is already well known for its extraordinary foliages. Therefore, Alocasia Black Velvet Pink Variegated is going beyond beauty. It’s so incredible that can’t help having one, especially for those who love Alocasia. But we all know that Alocasia is sensitive. This plant loves soil that is evenly moist but not too wet. In winter, this plant will require less water, so you can leave the soil dry a bit longer. Moreover, variegated Alocasia is very sensitive to sunlight. What to do is avoid your plant from touching direct sunlight.

Start from 600 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (NW060) [post-views]  

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Alocasia Melo Albo

Alocasia Melo Albo


Alocasia Melo Albo


Looking like a magic bringer, Alocasia Melo Albo has really attractive leaves. The unique texture and veins of the leaves are insane with white variegation as you see. This very outstanding plant is extremely rare as well, but, so lucky!, we have them to offer to you. However, Alocasia Melo Albo is sensitive to overwatering. How to care for your plant is to just water it when the soil is dry(or almost dry). Check the soil if it is completely dry or just on the surface of it. You can use your finger to dig into soil to check if it’s ready for watering. Also, make sure if the soil you use is a mixed soil that is well drained.  Finally, the perfect light to give to the Albo Melo is bright but indirect light.

Start from 10,000 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (NW058) [post-views]  

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Alocasia Dragon Scale Aurea

Alocasia Dragon Scale Aurea


Most variegated Alocasia are white, but Alocasia Dragon Scale Aurea is a spectacular and rare yellow variegated Alocasia, even more rare than Albo Variegated. However, this plant requires the same care as the Albo one. Keys to care for this plant are light and humidity. High humidity area is required for this plant. However, it doesn’t mean your plant wants to soak in water. Just water it when the soil is really or almost dry. For the light, avoid direct sunlight that burns Alocasia leaves. Place your plant where bright indirect light can reach. Then enjoy looking at this stunner!

Start from 500 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (NW057) [post-views]  

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Alocasia Dragon Scale Albo

Alocasia Dragon Scale Albo


Alocasia Dragon Scale Albo was found in tropical rainforests in the Eastern Kalimantan region of Borneo. Having variegation leaves is a very rare case to see in this sensitive plant. Alocasia Dragon Scale Albo has heavenly enchanting white variegated leaves. It also has unique vein patterns on the leaves. It also has unique vein patterns on the leaf edges.  How to care: The Dragon Scale Albo loves high humidity. If your area has dry conditions, you may need a humidifier to help care for your plant. Alocasia can thrive in bright but indirect light, and direct sunlight will burn the leaves.

Start from 100 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (NW056) [post-views]  

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Alocasia Black Velvet Gold

Alocasia Black Velvet Gold


Alocasia Black Velvet Gold


Alocasia Black Velvet is one of the most popular Alocasia. For this Alocasia Black Velvet Gold, it is another form that has gorgeous golden yellow variegated leaves, a must-have plant for aurea plants lover!. You can grow them indoors where it is warm and high humidity. Humidifier will be a great friend for your plant. Keep your plant away from direct sunlight. Soaking your plant in water is not the right thing to do as well. However, note that Alocasia is basically a sensitive plant to care. But don’t be worried. Just grow them in the right place and right condition.

Start from 666.67 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (NW055) [post-views]  

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Epipremnum Aureum

Epipremnum Aureum


Epipremnum Aureum or, in some areas, Manjula Pothos is a popular hanging plant. It is often mistaken with Njoy and Jade pothos. However, it is clear that they have different variegation patterns. Moreover, the Epipremnum Aureum leaves are bigger than the Njoy Pothos. When compared to the Jade Pothos, the Aureum has a rounder leaf shape. And that’s all the difference. What they are the same is maintenance. They all require indirect light, well-drained soil, high humidity, and warm conditions.

Start from 98.48 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (NW049) [post-views]  

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Monstera Laniata Albo

Monstera Laniata Albo


Monstera Laniata Albo is a very rare plant. It is a subspecies of the Adansonii, so they might look similar. You can see the little different feature between these two plants at the underside of their leaves. The laniata has matte finish but the other is more glossy. However, if you don’t get up close, you will not see any differences. By the way, they are not the same plant. However, it requires the same care. The Laniata Albo loves well-draining and nutrient-rich soil. It prefers being in warm and humid conditions but sensitive to direct sunlight.

Start from 121.21 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (NW046) [post-views]  

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Philodendron Orange Marmalade

Philodendron Orange Marmalade


This gorgeous plant has large dark green leaves that variegated with lime green, yellow, orange, and red shades. The pattern of variegation is like hand-painting. Philodendron Orange Marmalade is a slow-growing plant. It can grow up to 100 to 120 cm height. For the care, the Orange Marmalade requires simple care like other Philodendrons. It loves bright but indirect light and humid conditions. The soil must not be too dry or wet.

Start from 49 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (NW047) [post-views]  

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Homalomena Rubescens Mint

Homalomena Rubescens Mint


Homalomena Rubescens Mint is an outstanding plant that people seek. Its unique identity is the eye-catching variegated leaves. The variegation of Homalomena Rubescens Mint is different from regular Homalomena as it has a variegated gradation like a Monstera Borsigiana Mint Variegated. Taking care of the Homalomena Rubescens Mint is easy. Just plant it in dim light, water regularly, and avoid waterlogging.

Start from 436.36 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (NW043) [post-views]  

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Homalomena Pink Diamond

Homalomena Pink Diamond


Homalomena Pink Diamond is very rare. It is variegated form of Homalomena cf. aromatica (Spreng.). A peachy pink variegation which is a minority color among other variegated plants is a unique feature. What’s more unique is a triangle leaf shape. And the leaf color is black. Moreover, Homalomena is known for being an easy-care plant. Therefore, you can just grow them with well-drained and full-nutrient soil, indirect sunlight, and high humidity like other plants.  It is also fast-growing and easy to propagate.

Start from 132.58 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (NW042) [post-views]  

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Microsorum Thailandicum ‘Blue Oil Fern’

Microsorum Thailandicum ‘Blue Oil Fern’


Microsorum Thailandicum ‘Blue Oil Fern’ has a wonderful metallic shade of leaves. In Thailand, we call ‘Jewel Beetle’s wings Fern’. It loves high to very high humidity, so it would be perfect to be in a terrarium with some moss and other humid lover species. Or, you can just plant it in a pot but make sure to keep it in moisture condition and be careful to let it dry out. Humidifiers and water spray will help you a lot!

Start from 33.94 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (NW040) [post-views]  

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Zamioculcas Zamiifolia Variegated

Zamioculcas Zamiifolia Variegated


All time wanted plant, Zamioculcas Zamiifolia Variegated is a perfect choice for decorating your home. It is an air purifying plant that has minimal and waxy variegated leaves. People love to have them in their house because they're so super easy to care. Even though you forget to water and leave your plant dry for a month, they will survive. For that reason, this plant is called ‘unkillable plant’ as a nickname. So highly recommended for new planters!

Start from 38.18 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (NW039) [post-views]  

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Monstera Dubia

Monstera Dubia


This is a very interesting plant. When you see Monstera Dubia, you probably see them with a totem or supporter. This is because the leaves are so flat, so they need something to grab. The next surprising point is that the leaves don’t have holes which are a unique feature of Monstera. However, they do. But the holes will appear when your plant has transformed into a massive plant. This transformation makes Monstera Dubia not even the same anymore. The most changing area is the leaves. They turn to very huge Monstera leaves, while the patterns disappear. Such a fascinating plant!

Start from 25.45 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (NW036) [post-views]  

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Philodendron Tortum

Philodendron Tortum


Philodendron Tortum has a super unique bushy appearance. It matches with a minimalist house, and it also requires minimal care. This plant loves moisture, warmth, and bright light like other Philodendrons. Tortum is a climber plant but it needs time. So it’s better to allow your plant to climb up the moss pole. If you want your plant to grow faster, you can fertilize it once a month. However, stop applying fertilizer during the winter season because your plant will get damaged.

Start from 20 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (NW037) [post-views]  

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Syngonium Rolli

Syngonium Rolli


Syngonium Rolli has an exotic feature of its leaves. As you see, what’s amazing is the leaves are curly and look like new leaves that are still not open yet. Despite the unusual appearance, this plant is still easy-care like other Syngonium. And it suits newbie planters. Syngonium Rolli prefers moist and well-drained mixed soil. You can water your plant often or let it dry sometime. This plant also can survive in low light but it loves and grows faster in medium light.

Start from 68 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (NW035) [post-views]  

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Showing 61–80 of 117 results