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Anthurium Crystallinum Variegated

Anthurium Crystallinum Variegated

Discover the Anthurium Crystallinum Variegated, a botanical masterpiece renowned for its exquisite variegated foliage and captivating presence. This Anthurium species enchants with its large, velvety leaves adorned with striking patterns of creamy whites and deep greens, making it a prized addition to any plant collection. As a variegated variety of Anthurium Crystalinum, it is a sought-after gem among plant collectors, adding rarity and sophistication to any space. How to care Light: Prefers bright, indirect light; avoid direct sunlight to prevent leaf burn. Soil: Anthuriums love well-draining and airy mixed soil that is good to keep moist. Water: the soil should be always moist, so water the plant 3-5 times a week. Humidity and temperature: Enjoys high humidity levels and warm temperatures *ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (TW-24-003) [post-views]  

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Anthurium Jemanii Variegated

Anthurium Jemanii Variegated


A rare gem in the world of houseplants, each leaf of the Anthurium Jemanii Variegated boasts a one-of-a-kind pattern, blending shades of green with creamy whites or silvers, adding depth and visual interest. How to care Light: Thrives in bright indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight because it can scorch the leaves. Soil: Loves well-draining and airy mixed soil with full nutrients. Water: Keep soil consistently moist, but not waterlogged; water your plant again when the top inch of soil dries out. Humidity and temperature: Prefers high humidity levels and warm temperatures; mist regularly or place on a humidity tray to ensure optimal growth.

Start from 70 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (TW-24-005) [post-views]  

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Anthurium Papillilaminum Variegated x Green mamba

Anthurium Papillilaminum Variegated x Green mamba


Anthurium Papillilaminum Variegated x Green mamba is a very rare outstanding Anthurium hybrid. Anthurium's unique thick and dark green leaves are made more striking by yellow variegation of A. Papillilaminum Variegated. The one with highly variegated is even more rare. How to care Light: bright indirect light is perfect for Anthuriums. Please avoid direct sunlight. Soil: Anthuriums love well-draining and airy mixed soil that is good to keep moist. Water: the soil should be always moist, so water the plant 3-5 times a week. Humidity and temperature: high humidity and warm temperatures are highly required.

Start from 591 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (TW-24-002) [post-views]  

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Anthurium Red Dark Phoenix

Anthurium Red Dark Phoenix


Anthurium Red Dark Phoenix is a super rare hybrid crossing Anthurium Papillilaminum and Anthurium Ace of Spades(AOS). It is also known as Red Vein Dark Phoenix, as the red veins on the leaves are outstanding and attractive. Its new growth leaves also have dark red color, and it is very beautiful. How to care Light: no different from other Anthuriums, this plant prefers bright indirect light to low light conditions. Soil: mixed soil that is loose and airy is perfect. Water: keep the soil evenly moist by watering when the soil is dry. Humidity and temperature: it is important to keep high humidity and warm temperatures.

Start from 163.96 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (TW-23-112) [post-views]  

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Anthurium Panamense

Anthurium Panamense


This unique plant was found in tropical rainforests in Panama. Anthurium Panamense is a rare foliage with long large leaves. The leaves can reach up to almost 3 ft when it is mature. Moreover, the leaf texture is wonderful green velvet.  How to care As it has very long leaves, it is recommended to hang the planting pot up high. Light: this plant requires bright but indirect light or low light to grow. Soil: Anthurium loves mixed soil that is well draining. Water: the frequency of watering is when the potting soil is dry. Humidity and temperature: high humidity and warm temperatures are required.

Start from 304.41 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (TW-23-111) [post-views]  

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Anthurium Delta ForceAnthurium Delta Force

Anthurium Delta Force


Anthurium Delta Force is a hybrid of Anthurium Clarinervium and Anthurium Pedatoradiatum hybrid. The combination of the parents gives unbelievable results. Anthurium Delta force has triangulated or deltoid shaped leaves which are barely seen In Anthurium. It also has stunning white veins from Clarinervium. How to care Light: this Anthurium thrives in bright indirect light or low light. Soil: planting materials should be mixed of light or airy materials and full nutrients soil that can retain moisture while well-draining. Water: water when the planting material is dry. Humidity and temperature: perfect growth happens with high humidity and warm temperatures conditions.

Start from 162.35 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (TW-23-110) [post-views]  

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Anthurium Papillilaminum Fort Sherman x Papillilaminum

Anthurium Papillilaminum Fort Sherman x Papillilaminum


This is a hybrid of Anthurium Papillilaminum that combines beautiful features of their parents. It has an arrowhead-like leaf shape. The leaves of Anthurium Papillilaminum Fort Sherman x Papillilaminum also have dark green color and a velvety texture.  How to care  Light: it prefers to be in bright indirect light, and also thrives in low light. Soil: mixed and well draining soil is perfect for your plant. Water: water your plant frequently to keep the soil moist(Recommended to water when the planting soil is dry.). Humidity and temperature: this plant prefers to be in areas with high humidity and warm temperatures

Start from 162.35 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (TW-23-109) [post-views]  

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Sold out! Anthurium Veitchii Super Narrow (King Super Narrow)

Anthurium Veitchii Super Narrow (King Super Narrow)


Anthurium Veitchii Super Narrow (King SuperNarrow) is one form of King Anthurium. People who love King Anthurium are supposed to have this one in your collection! Its leaves are more narrow compared to the normal one. Moreover, the lateral veins are also closer than the normal King Anthurium.

Start from 127.27 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (TW-23-086) [post-views]  

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Anthurium Red Dark Phoenix X Dark Phoenix

Anthurium Red Dark Phoenix X Dark Phoenix


This is a hybrid of hybrids Anthurium. It still doesn’t have an official name. Moreover, these hybrids you see are the first successful hybrid group in Thailand. Therefore, we don’t have any idea of growth features. However, we guess that Anthurium Red Dark Phoenix X Dark Phoenix will have very dark green velvet leaves like its parents. By the way, caring for this plant, you can grow it like other Anthuriums which love humidity but hate soaking in water. Lastly, avoid direct sunlight if you don’t want your plant to get burnt.

Start from 109.93 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (TW-23-085) [post-views]  

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Anthurium Warocqueanum (Queen) (TC)Anthurium Warocqueanum (Queen) (TC)

Anthurium Warocqueanum (Queen) (TC)


Anthurium Warocqueanum is commonly known as queen of the Anthuriums. Its large velvet leaves clearly tell the reason why, and it can grow very huge up to 6 feet long. Queen Anthurium loves being in humid condition with well-drained and well-aerated soil because of its air-loving roots. It also loves sunlight but not too bright because the leaves will get burnt. If the plant has all of these factors, the leaves will grow bigger and bigger. Then the area where you place the Queen Anthurium will be more fantastic!  

Start from 37 USD / pack

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Anthurium Ace of spades

Anthurium Ace of spades


Anthurium Ace of spades is a gorgeous Anthurium. It has very dark green to almost black  velvety leaves. Its origin is still unclear. However, with a long heart-shaped, many people love to have it. This plant is also easy to grow in the house. You just need to keep it moist but not too wet. For the light intensity, it is the key of the dark green color on the leaves. The lower light you give to your plant, the darker green leaves you will see. Yet, be careful that your plant doesn’t get enough sunlight. You can also fertilize your plant regularly to ensure your plant receives all vital nutritions.

Start from 61 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. (TW-23-084) [post-views]  

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Anthurium Luxurians (TC)Anthurium Luxurians (TC)

Anthurium Luxurians (TC)


This eye-catching Anthurium Luxurians is a very rare plant to find. It is also a must-have plant for Anthurium lovers. The deep veins that look like a cut diamond and dark green to almost black foliage make it perfect as an indoor houseplant. Moreover, its leaves can grow up to 23 inches long. Although this plant seems like a tough plant to grow, it is not as you thought. The Anthurium Luxurians needs high humidity and warm temperature to grow. For the potting soil, it needs moist and well-draining soil. It also requires indirect light to grow healthy.  

Start from 40 USD/ Plant

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Anthurium Papillilaminum (TC)

Anthurium Papillilaminum (TC)


One of Anthurium species native to Panama, Anthurium Papillilaminum is known for the heart-shaped with very dark green velvety leaves. It still looks amazing without silver veins like other Anthuriums. Also, its magnificent leaves can give you up to around 13 inches length. But before you get it, you have to understand its needs. Don’t worry! This plant is a no-fuss to care for. It will be happy in well-drained soil, with full nutrients and also in humid conditions. Place it where it can get bright light but not direct sunlight because it will get burnt. Lastly, keep checking if the soil is too dry, then water it. But make sure to not let it soak.  

Start from 39 USD/ pack

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Anthurium Ace of Spades (TC)

Anthurium Ace of Spades (TC)


Anthurium Ace of spades is a gorgeous Anthurium. It has very dark green to almost black  velvety leaves. Its origin is still unclear. However, with a long heart-shaped, many people love to have it. This plant is also easy to grow in the house. You just need to keep it moist but not too wet. For the light intensity, it is the key of the dark green color on the leaves. The lower light you give to your plant, the darker green leaves you will see. Yet, be careful that your plant doesn't get enough sunlight. You can also fertilize your plant regularly to ensure your plant receives all vital nutritions.  

Start from 39 USD/ plant

*ExWork Price *Contact for wholesale price   How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. [post-views]

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Anthurium Sp. Silver Peru

Anthurium Sp. Silver Peru


Plants with silver leaves always catch our attention. So does the Anthurium Sp. Silver Peru! It is another amazing plant from Peru. This plant has a silvery shimmer with beautiful heart-shaped leaves. It grows in high-humidity and warm weather in its natural habitat. Besides, It is a much easier plant to grow than velvety Anthuriums but requires similar conditions. You can easily take care of this plant by giving it bright indirect sunlight, well-drained and airy planting soil, warm temperature, and high-humidity.

Start from 184.38 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. [post-views]  

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Anthurium Papillilaminum “Guna Yala”

Anthurium Papillilaminum “Guna Yala”


This Anthurium Papillilaminum “Guna Yala” has recently been told that it was discovered in Panama. The information of this plant is still unclear. Some said that it is a new species of Anthurium and it is special that each of them has different forms. Some also said that it is Anthurium Papillilaminum that grows in Guna Yala forest. Nevertheless, it is Anthurium which means it requires similar care. Firstly, grow it in airy and well drained soil and place it in a high humidity area. Then avoid letting it touch direct sunlight and get cold! 

Start from 328.13 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. [post-views]  

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Anthurium Regale

Anthurium Regale


Anthurium Regale is a very rare and stunning plant that everyone will fall for. Its heart-shaped and velvet texture are even better with the eye-catching yellow-white veins on its massive leaves. This plant is native to Peru, the tropical area, so the keys to growing it healthy are temperature and humidity. You have to keep it warm and avoid the cold because this plant cannot tolerate it. When you put your Anthurium in your space, make sure that it gets enough bright but indirect sunlight. Moreover, well-drained and airy soil is needed for its roots to grow well!

Start from 121.88 USD 

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Anthurium Veitchii (King)

Anthurium Veitchii (King)


Anthurium Veitchii is one of Anthurium genus that has a very stunning leaf texture. It is often known as King of Anthurium with its unique rippled and long leaves that other Anthuriums do not have. The leaves can grow up to 3 feet long and would be more spectacular! Anthurium is a tropical plant so it loves warm and high humidity while needs bright but indirect sunlight. Besides, well-drained and airy soil is perfect for Anthurium Veitchii to grow!  

Start from 159.38 USD 

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Anthurium Papillilaminum hybrid

Anthurium Papillilaminum hybrid


One of the hybrids of Anthurium Papillilaminum, this hybrid is mixed from so many Anthuriums such as Anthurium Crystallinum and Anthurium Magnificum. Its leaves have a dark and beautiful green color and long heart-shaped with unique white veins. The name of the species has thus not been identified. Nevertheless, like other Anthuriums, this Anthurium Papillilaminum hybrid requires low-maintenance. It loves well drained soil, warm temperature, humidity, and indirect sunlight.  

Start from 29.69 USD 

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Anthurium Clarinervium

Anthurium Clarinervium


The dark green and heart-shaped leaves and bold white veins are signatures of Anthurium Clarinervium. This gorgeous houseplant is very popular among planters! Besides, it is easy to care for. Just grow your plant in well-drained soil and keep the soil hydrated. But if you water the plant too frequently, it will deprive your plant’s root of oxygen. Moreover, keep the plant warm because Anthurium Clarinervium is not able to tolerate being in cold weather. You also have to give your plant indirect sunlight and avoid them to touch direct sunlight.  

Start from 29.69 USD 

*ExWork Price How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. [post-views]  

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Showing 1–20 of 25 results