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Anthurium Pap FS x Antolakii (BVEP) Tezula
Anthurium Pap FS x Antolakii (BVEP) Tezula The Anthurium Pap FS x Antolakii (BVEP) Tezula is an intriguing hybrid that combines features from both parent plants. It is also considered relatively rare, especially compared to more common anthurium varieties. How to care Light: Prefers bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight to prevent leaf burn. Soil: Use a well-draining potting mix, ideally formulated for aroids. Watering: Water when the top inch of soil is dry. Ensure good drainage to prevent overwatering. Humidity: Thrives in high humidity (60% or higher). Regular misting or a humidifier can help. Temperature: Enjoys temperatures between 65°F to 80°F (18°C to 27°C). Keep away from cold drafts.
Start from 89$ USD
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Anthurium Subsignatum x Bvep (Antolakii)
Anthurium Subsignatum x Bvep (Antolakii) is a rare hybrid Anthurium. It gains several key features from its mother. It typically inherits the large, elongated leaves of the Subsignatum, which often have a wavy margin and unique shape. How to care Light: Provide bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight that can scorch the leaves. Soil: Use a well-draining potting soil, such as a peat-based mix with perlite or pine bark. Watering: Water 1-2 times a week, or when the soil is almost dry. Avoid overwatering. Humidity: keep humidity high(60% or more). Temperature: Keep the plant away from cold drafts. It loves warm places.
Start from 143$ USD
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Anthurium Delta Force
Anthurium Delta Force is a hybrid of Anthurium Clarinervium and Anthurium Pedatoradiatum hybrid. The combination of the parents gives unbelievable results. Anthurium Delta force has triangulated or deltoid shaped leaves which are barely seen In Anthurium. It also has stunning white veins from Clarinervium. How to care Light: this Anthurium thrives in bright indirect light or low light. Soil: planting materials should be mixed of light or airy materials and full nutrients soil that can retain moisture while well-draining. Water: water when the planting material is dry. Humidity and temperature: perfect growth happens with high humidity and warm temperatures conditions.
Start from 162.35 USD
*ExWork Price How to order *The first image is just for advertising. (TW-23-110) [post-views]Share this:
Anthurium Papillilaminum Fort Sherman x Papillilaminum
This is a hybrid of Anthurium Papillilaminum that combines beautiful features of their parents. It has an arrowhead-like leaf shape. The leaves of Anthurium Papillilaminum Fort Sherman x Papillilaminum also have dark green color and a velvety texture. How to care Light: it prefers to be in bright indirect light, and also thrives in low light. Soil: mixed and well draining soil is perfect for your plant. Water: water your plant frequently to keep the soil moist(Recommended to water when the planting soil is dry.). Humidity and temperature: this plant prefers to be in areas with high humidity and warm temperatures
Start from 162.35 USD
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Anthurium Veitchii Super Narrow (King Super Narrow)
Anthurium Veitchii Super Narrow (King SuperNarrow) is one form of King Anthurium. People who love King Anthurium are supposed to have this one in your collection! Its leaves are more narrow compared to the normal one. Moreover, the lateral veins are also closer than the normal King Anthurium.
Start from 127.27 USD
*ExWork Price How to order *The first image is just for advertising. (TW-23-086) [post-views]Share this:
Anthurium Red Dark Phoenix X Dark Phoenix
This is a hybrid of hybrids Anthurium. It still doesn’t have an official name. Moreover, these hybrids you see are the first successful hybrid group in Thailand. Therefore, we don’t have any idea of growth features. However, we guess that Anthurium Red Dark Phoenix X Dark Phoenix will have very dark green velvet leaves like its parents. By the way, caring for this plant, you can grow it like other Anthuriums which love humidity but hate soaking in water. Lastly, avoid direct sunlight if you don’t want your plant to get burnt.
Start from 109.93 USD
*ExWork Price How to order *The first image is just for advertising. (TW-23-085) [post-views]Share this:
Showing all 6 results