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Alocasia Jacklyn Aurea Variegated

Alocasia Jacklyn Aurea Variegated

Alocasia Jacklyn Aurea Variegated is a striking tropical plant known for its bold, arrow-shaped leaves and stunning variegation. The leaves typically feature a mix of dark green with creamy or yellowish streaks, making it a standout in any plant collection. How to care Light: Provide bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight that can scorch the leaves. Soil: Use a well-draining potting mix. A mix designed for aroids can work well. Watering: Water 1-2 times a week, or when the soil is almost dry. Avoid overwatering. Humidity: Thrives in high humidity. Consider using a humidity tray or a humidifier if your environment is dry. Temperature: Keep the plant away from cold drafts. It loves warm places. How to order   *The first image is just for advertising. [post-views]  

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Alocasia Jacklyn 100% Variegated (TC)

Alocasia Jacklyn 100% Variegated (TC)


Alocasia Jacklyn Variegated is one of ultra rare variegated Alocasia. It has memorable leaves that are deeply lobed and arrowhead-shaped. Its vibrant green shade contrasting with blackish green veins on the leaves is more elegant when it has some white variegation. However, Alocasia is originally sensitive. Therefore, having variegated parts makes it more sensitive. Direct sunlight should not be able to reach the leaves if it is possible. Moreover, Alocasia loves humidity conditions, so it requires watering often but not soaking in water. Then the soil has to be well-draining too.

Start from 169 USD/ pack

*Contact for wholesale price   How to order   [post-views]  

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