Showing 1–20 of 49 results
Philodendron Paraiso Verde Aurea
The Philodendron Paraiso Verde Aurea is a very new version of the Philodendron Paraiso Verde. It is a relatively rare variety. This plant is known for its striking variegated leaves, which feature a mix of dark green and vibrant yellow-gold patterns. These variegations can appear in different forms, from speckles to large streaks, which make the plant especially eye-catching. How to care Light: Prefers bright, indirect light. Direct sunlight can scorch its leaves, while too little light will reduce its variegation and slow its growth. Soil: Prefers a well-draining, lightweight potting mix. A peat-based mix with added perlite or sand works well Watering: Water it when the top 1-2 inches of soil feels dry. Humidity: Enjoys higher humidity levels, so it’s a good idea to mist it occasionally or place it near a humidifier, especially in dry climates. Temperature: The ideal temperature range is between 65°F and 80°F (18°C to 27°C).
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Philodendron Emerald Queen Variegated
Philodendron Emerald Queen Variegated is considered a rare and highly sought-after variety, particularly due to its striking variegated leaves. The variegation—white, cream, or yellow patches on the typically dark green foliage—makes this plant much more unique and desirable than the standard Philodendron Emerald Queen. How to care Light: Thrives in bright, indirect light. Direct sunlight may scorch its delicate leaves and cause the variegated areas to burn. Soil: A tropical plant mix with perlite or orchid bark is perfect for ensuring proper drainage while retaining enough moisture. Watering: Keep the soil evenly moist, allowing the top few inches to dry out between waterings. Humidity: Aim for 50-60% humidity to keep it healthy and to prevent leaf curling or browning. Temperature: Prefers warm conditions, typically between 65°F and 80°F (18°C–27°C). Avoid temperatures below 50°F (10°C), as it can damage the plant.
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Philodendron Atabapoense Variegated
The Philodendron Atabapoense Variegated is a beautiful and rare type of plant known for its colorful leaves. The leaves are large and glossy. They have a mix of green with white or yellow patches, making each leaf look different. The contrast between the green and lighter colors is what makes this plant so eye-catching. Also, the distinctive brown stems that add to its unique appearance. How to care Light: Grow in bright, indirect light. Too much direct sunlight can burn the leaves, but it needs enough light to keep the variegation. Soil: Use a well-draining potting mix. A mix made for aroids (like one containing peat, perlite, and orchid bark) works well. Watering: Ensure the soil doesn’t stay too wet for long, as that can cause root rot. Humidity: Consider placing the plant near a humidifier or on a tray filled with water and pebbles to raise the humidity around it. Temperature: Avoid placing it in cold areas or where there are temperature fluctuations.
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Philodendron Micans Pink/Orange Variegated
The Philodendron Micans Pink/Orange Variegated is a rare and stunning houseplant. Its leaves feature a captivating mix of soft pink and warm peachy-orange, contrasting beautifully with lush green foliage. This eye-catching plant enhances any space, making it a perfect addition for plant lovers and decorators alike. How to care Light: This plant prefers bright, indirect light. The more light it receives, the more vibrant the variegation. However, direct sunlight can scorch the leaves. Soil: To prevent root rot, a well-draining, airy potting mix is essential. A combination of peat, perlite, and orchid bark works well. Watering: Keep the soil evenly moist, ensuring it drains well. Humidity: The plant thrives in moderate to high humidity but can also tolerate average household humidity. Temperature: Average household temperatures are suitable, but avoid placing the plant in drafty areas or exposing it to sudden temperature changes.
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Philodendron Rio
The Philodendron Rio is a stunning and relatively rare variety of Philodendron, known for its striking, heart-shaped leaves with variegation that features white, silver, or cream-colored streaks and patches against a dark green background. How to care Light: Prefers bright, indirect light. The more light it receives, the more vibrant the variegation tends to be. But direct sunlight can scorch the leaves. Soil: Well-draining, airy potting mix is essential to prevent root rot. A mix with peat, perlite, and orchid bark will work well. Watering: Keep the soil evenly moist but well-draining. Humidity: Thrives in moderate to high humidity, though it can tolerate average household humidity. Temperature: Average household temperatures are fine, but avoid drafts or sudden temperature changes.
Start from 53$ USD
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Philodendron Melanochrysum Orange Variegated
Philodendron Melanochrysum Orange Variegated is a stunning variation of the Philodendron Melanochrysum. Its lush green leaves are adorned with captivating peachy-orange variegation, creating a truly alluring display. This vibrant plant is guaranteed to draw attention no matter where it is positioned. How to care Light: A well-lit area is ideal for planting, but be aware of direct sunlight as it can scorch leaves. Soil: Use well-draining soil that can retain moisture to maintain humidity. Watering: Water the soil when it begins to dry out to maintain soil moisture, but avoid overwatering to prevent waterlogging. Humidity and temperature: Maintain a warm and humid environment to keep the plant healthy. *ExWork Price How to order *The first image is just for advertising. [post-views]
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Philodendron Tortum Variegated
Philodendron Tortum Variegated is a widely recognized plant that has been popular for many years. Its unique leaves are characterized by jagged edges and striking white and yellow variegation. This exceptional philodendron is sure to grab attention wherever it is planted. How to care Light: Place the plant in a well-lit area, but shield it from direct sunlight to prevent leaf scorching. Soil: Make sure to use soil that drains well and retains moisture to create the ideal humidity levels for your plant. Watering: Water the soil when it starts to become dry to maintain a consistently moist soil environment. However, be careful not to overwater, as this can result in waterlogging. Humidity and temperature: Creating a warm and humid environment is essential for promoting optimal plant growth. *ExWork Price How to order *The first image is just for advertising. [post-views]
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Philodendron Jennifer Variegated
The Philodendron Jennifer Variegated (also known as Philodendron Billitiae x Florida) is a captivating hybrid known for its new foliage and unique growth habits. This plant combines traits from its parent species, resulting in distinctive leaf shapes that often feature a blend of attributes from both Philodendron billitiae and Philodendron Florida. How to care Light: Bright, indirect light is perfect. Too little light can result in less vibrant foliage, while too much direct sunlight can cause leaf burn. Soil: Use a well-draining potting mix, such as a peat-based mix with perlite or pine bark. Watering: The plant requires regular watering to keep the soil consistently moist. But it’s important to avoid overwatering. Humidity and temperature: High humidity is preferred. Ideal temperatures are between 60-75°F (15-24°C). *ExWork Price How to order *The first image is just for advertising. (NW102) [post-views]
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Philodendron Pink Princess Tricolor
Transform your living space with the rare beauty of the Philodendron Pink Princess Tricolor. A plant that catches the eye with its beautiful mix of colors. Each leaf features shades of pink, green, and creamy white, creating a unique and vibrant look. Perfect for indoors or in a sheltered outdoor area, it fits well in various spaces. How to care Light: Place in bright, indirect light to maintain vibrant foliage colors. Avoid direct sunlight to prevent leaf burn. A north or east-facing window is ideal Soil: Use a mix designed for indoor plants or a blend of peat moss, perlite, and pine bark. Watering: Keep the soil moist but well-drained. Water when the top inch of soil is dry, especially during active growth periods. Humidity and temperature: This plant appreciates higher humidity levels, and ideal temperatures range between 65-80°F (18-27°C). Protect from cold drafts. *ExWork Price How to order *The first image is just for advertising. (NW98) [post-views]
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Philodendron Angela Variegated
Due to its distinctive appearance and relative scarcity in cultivation, acquiring a Philodendron Angela Variegated can be a challenge for collectors and enthusiasts. It is considered a moderately fast grower under optimal conditions. How to care Light: Place in bright, indirect light to maintain vibrant foliage colors. Avoid direct sunlight to prevent leaf burn. A north or east-facing window is ideal Soil: Use a mix designed for indoor plants or a blend of peat moss, perlite, and pine bark. Watering: Keep the soil moist but well-drained. Water when the top inch of soil is dry, especially during active growth periods. Humidity and temperature: Place in high humidity levels, and ideal temperatures range between 65-80°F (18-27°C). Protect from cold drafts. *ExWork Price How to order *The first image is just for advertising. (NW97) [post-views]
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Philodendron Florida X Tortum
This hybrid has insanely beautiful leaves. The mature leaves have the genetics of Philodendron Tortum which are the lobed leaves. On the other hand, Philodendron Florida X Tortum gets the aurea variegated leaves from Philodendron Florida. Also, of course, this stunning plant is very rare. How to care Light: bright indirect light is suitable for this plant, but direct sunlight should be avoided. Soil: Philodendrons love well-draining mixed soil that keeps moist well. Water: the soil should be always moist, but can leave it dry for a while. Humidity and temperature: high humidity and warm temperatures are required. Other suggestions: this plant should be grown with a moss or fiber pole. *ExWork Price How to order *The first image is just for advertising. (NW96) [post-views]
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Philodendron Joepii Variegated
This ultra rare variegated Philodendron has wonderful three lobed leaves’ shape and colors. Philodendron Joepii Variegated is a massive plant. It can grow up to 2 feet long and 1 foot wide. Also, it is a fast grower, and it grows vertically. How to care Light: bright or shaded light is perfect for this plant, so direct sunlight should be avoided. Soil: this plant loves mixed soil that is well-drained but also well to keep moist. Water: the soil should be always moist, but can leave it dry for a while. Humidity and temperature: high humidity and warm temperatures are required. Other suggestions: this plant should be grown with a moss pole. Start from 545.45 USD *ExWork Price How to order *The first image is just for advertising. (NW85) [post-views]
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Philodendron Radiatum Variegated
Very rare but high demand, Philodendron Radiatum Variegated has yellow variegated on its remarkable incised leaves. The leaves can reach up to 90 cm long and 70 cm wide in mature plants. Also, this super gorgeous plant grows by climbing vertically. How to care Light: bright or shaded light is perfect for this plant, so direct sunlight should be avoided. Soil: Gigas Philodendron loves mixed soil that is well-aerated but also well to keep moist. Water: the soil should be always moist, but can leave it dry for a while. Humidity and temperature: conditions should be high humidity and warm temperatures. Other suggestions: Moss poles are required. Start from 136.36 USD *ExWork Price How to order *The first image is just for advertising. (NW083) [post-views]
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Philodendron Gigas
Philodendron Gigas is a velvety leaf philodendron that is many planters’ favorites. It grows vertically, and can reach more than 65 feet. On top of that, leaf size can reach up to 4 feet. This giant velvet-like plant is fast growing and very easy to care. How to care Light: bright or shaded light is perfect for this plant, so direct sunlight should be avoided. Soil: Gigas Philodendron loves mixed soil that is well-aerated but also well to keep moist. Water: the soil should be always moist, but can leave it dry for a while. Humidity and temperature: conditions should be high humidity and warm temperatures. Other suggestions: this plant should be grown with a moss pole. Start from 12.12 USD *ExWork Price How to order *The first image is just for advertising. (NW84) [post-views]
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Philodendron Gloriosum Albo Variegated
Philodendron Gloriosum Albo Variegated is the same species as Philodendron Gloriosum Variegated but it has more parts of white variegation. This case is very rare. To call it Albo Gloriosum, the white parts must take half of the area on the leaves. How to care Light: avoid direct sunlight because the more white parts, the more easily getting burnt. Indirect light is perfect. Soil: give the plant mixed soil that is loose and airy but still able to keep moist. Water: keep the soil moist but not soaking. Humidity and temperature: mist the plant in the morning when the sun is not too strong and keep warm temperatures. Start from 304.41 USD *ExWork Price How to order *The first image is just for advertising. (NW082) [post-views]
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Philodendron Spiritus Sancti (medium to large)
The Philodendron Spiritus Sancti is native to Brazil, and it is one of the rarest Philodendrons that plant collectors wish for. This elegant climbing plant has light green petioles and huge lengthy sword-like leaves that can continue long when fully grown. The one in the pictures is a medium size. Therefore, it can still continue to grow bigger and longer. These cool leaves can reach over 2 feet whenever the plant is in perfect environments. Bright indirect sunlight, well-draining soil, warm temperatures and high humidity are heavenly perfect for the stunning Philodendron Spiritus Sancti.
Start from 111.43 USD
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Philodendron Caramel Marble
Philodendron Caramel Marble is a rare house plant that carries its exotic variegation of various shaded colors on new leaves which range from caramel brown to dark forest green, like a marble. Aside from its beauty, it is a slow-growing plant, and the leaves can reach a large size beyond your imagination. The healthy Caramel Marble needs moist but not soggy soil, and also loves to stay near the natural light through windows(not direct light). You can water your beautiful plant when the soil seems dry. Moreover, note that warm temperatures and high humidity are important to your plant. *ExWork Price How to order *The first image is just for advertising. (NW074) [post-views]
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Philodendron Gloriosum Tricolor
Heart-shaped Philodendron that everyone must love! Philodendron Gloriosum Tricolor catches eyes with the stunning white to pastel yellow variegated on the signature white veins leaves. It’s an extremely rare plant for sure. However, growing this plant is not complicated. Firstly, this plant has a crawling growth habit, so you can grow it in a long planter. The soil you put in the planter has to be airy and well-draining in order to reduce root rot chance. By the way, be careful of overwatering, and water when the soil is dry. After that, place Philodendron Gloriosum Tricolor where it gets bright indirect sunlight, warmth and high humidity.
Start from 890.91 USD
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Philodendron Orange Marmalade
This gorgeous plant has large dark green leaves that variegated with lime green, yellow, orange, and red shades. The pattern of variegation is like hand-painting. Philodendron Orange Marmalade is a slow-growing plant. It can grow up to 100 to 120 cm height. For the care, the Orange Marmalade requires simple care like other Philodendrons. It loves bright but indirect light and humid conditions. The soil must not be too dry or wet.
Start from 49 USD
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Philodendron Tortum
Philodendron Tortum has a super unique bushy appearance. It matches with a minimalist house, and it also requires minimal care. This plant loves moisture, warmth, and bright light like other Philodendrons. Tortum is a climber plant but it needs time. So it’s better to allow your plant to climb up the moss pole. If you want your plant to grow faster, you can fertilize it once a month. However, stop applying fertilizer during the winter season because your plant will get damaged.
Start from 20 USD
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Showing 1–20 of 49 results