“Philodendron Tortum”, an Unique Philodendron among Philodendron Plants

DATE : November 9, 2023 By :

philo tortum 01
“Philodendron Tortum”, an Unique Philodendron among Philodendron Plants

       “Philodendron” is one of the most popular plants of all time as it has a beautiful and diverse appearance. Its leaves have different characteristics depending on the species. In addition, one of the unique Philodendron leaves is “Philodendron Tortum”. Do you want to get to know this Philodendron? Therefore, today we will introduce Philodendron Tortum to you. Well, if you are ready, let’s go!


The Origin of the Philodendron Tortum

Philodendron Tortum

       “Philodendron Tortum” belongs to the Philodendron genus. It was discovered in 2012 by two Brazilian botanists (Dr. Soares & Dr. Mayo). They noted that the plant can be found in a forest reserve in the municipality of Manaus, in the Brazilian Amazonas region. Additionally, the word ‘Tortum’ also means ‘twist’, which is named after the appearance of Philodendron Tortum leaves.

The Characteristics of the Philodendron Tortum

Philodendron Tortum

       The highlight of “Philodendron Tortum” is its spidery green leaves that may look like the palm leaves, but it has nothing related to palm. If you like a minimal but outstanding Philodendron, it can definitely meet your needs. No matter where you decorate the Philodendron Tortum in the house, it looks distinguished and stylish for sure!


How to Care for the Philodendron Tortum 

Philodendron Tortum

       “Philodendron Tortum” is a plant that is not difficult to care for. Just plant it in a bright spot but not indirect sunlight to avoid burning leaves. Always consider humidity because Philodendron Tortum is a tropical rainforest plant, so it enjoys moisture. It is necessary to maintain a humid environment (at a level of 50-70%) by watering regularly and not allowing the soil to dry out. Be careful not to let it overwater since this will cause the roots to rot. Using well-drained planting materials will help solve the waterlogging. That’s it, your Philodendron Tortum will be distinctive among Philodendron plants in the house!

       How about the “Philodendron Tortum” that we have introduced? It is worth planting to decorate your house, right? Not at all, if you are interested in Philodendron Tortum but are still hesitant or have a question, we are happy to advise and export the best quality plants from Thailand to you in every season.


See you again on the following topic, bye<3



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