Let’s See the Differences between Anthurium Papillilaminum X1 and Anthurium Darkest Panama!

DATE : March 17, 2023 By :

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Let’s See the Differences between Anthurium Papillilaminum X1 and Anthurium Darkest Panama!

          If we talk about popular plants, many people probably think of famous plants like Monstera or Philodendron; however, “Anthurium” is considered one of the rare plants that are gaining favor as well as it has a distinctive, stylish look, and easy-to-grow. Besides, Anthurium has various species. Plus, some Anthuriums have similar confusing appearances such as “Anthurium Papillilaminum X1” and “Anthurium Darkest Panama”. So, today we are going to tell you the differences between these two Anthuriums. If you are ready to read, let’s go!


The Origin of the Anthurium

          “Anthurium” is a plant in the ARACEAE family. It is native to Colombia and European countries. The common name is Flamingo Flower or Tail Flower, but people usually call its genus, which comes from the Greek word ‘anthos’ meaning ‘flower’ and ‘ouros’ meaning ‘tail’. Therefore, Anthurium means long and slender inflorescences. If you want to get to know more about Anthurium, you can read it at Let’s Get To Know The Rare Anthurium Plants!

Now, we know the origin of Anthurium. Next, we will talk about characteristics and how to care for “Anthurium Papillilaminum X1” and “Anthurium Darkest Panama”.


Anthurium Papillilaminum X1

         “Anthurium Papillilaminum X1” is a rare plant native to the rainforests of South America. It is mainly found in Panama and was officially published by aroid botanist Tomas B. Croat in 1986. Anthurium Papillilaminum X1 is known for its heart-shaped dark green velvety leaves with long and pointed at the end of the leaf. The white veins fade, but they will gradually become more prominent when they grow. This fascinating plant is suited for decorating the house.

How to Care for the Anthurium Papillilaminum X1

          Caring for Anthurium Papillilaminum X1 is easy. Just plant it in a moist and warm environment. Plant it in bright indirect sunlight place to avoid leaf burn. Use well-drained soil to prevent root rot. If you follow these, your Anthurium Papillilaminum X1 will grow strong and reach a size of 10-15 inches!


Anthurium Darkest Panama

          Anthurium Darkest Panama is a rare hybrid of the Anthurium family. The origin of name ‘Darkest’ comes from the color of velvet leaves that are dark green to almost black. It gives a mysterious feeling when you lay your eyes on it. The white vein makes the pattern on the leaves stand out. The more you look, the more you will be mesmerized by it. If you have this Anthurium in your house, we assure you that your house will be chic and stylish for sure.

How to Care for the Anthurium Darkest Panama

         Although Anthurium is a rare plant, it is not difficult to care for. Anthurium Darkest Panama loves humid and warm conditions. Therefore, it should be planted in a bright indirect sunlight place and always water when the topsoil dries out to maintain moisture. Using well-drained soil can help with root rot. Just like this, the Anthurium Darkest Panama will grow up beautiful and healthy.


Anthurium Papillilaminum X1 vs Anthurium Darkest Panama

         If we look superficially, we might not be able to tell the difference between these two plants because their appearances are similar. However, there are some differences that we can notice quickly. The difference between these two plants is that when they grow up, the Anthurium Papillilaminum X1 leaves will be longer while the Anthurium Darkest Panama leaves are shorter, fatter, and more black.

How about the difference between these two plants that we have introduced? Both of them are gorgeous, right? Finally, if you are interested in Anthurium Papillilaminum X1 and Anthurium Darkest Panama but are still hesitant or have a question, we are happy to advise and export the best quality plants from Thailand to you in every season.


See you again on the following topic, bye<3



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