Let’s Get to Know the “Monstera Deliciosa Yellow Marilyn”

DATE : May 26, 2023 By :

มอนสเตอร่า เดลิซิโอซ่า เยลโล่ มาริลิน Monstera Deliciosa Yellow Marilyn
Let’s Get to Know the “Monstera Deliciosa Yellow Marilyn”

        Monstera is a famous plant family that many people may be familiar with because it is unique, strong, and durable. Thus, it is popular among plant collectors, especially the variegated Monstera. Moreover, one of the most popular Monstera is “Monstera Deliciosa Yellow Marilyn”. Do you want to get to know this Monstera? Well, if you are ready, let’s go!


The Origin of the Monstera Deliciosa Yellow Marilyn

มอนสเตอร่า เดลิซิโอซ่า เยลโล่ มาริลิน Monstera Deliciosa Yellow Marilyn

       Monstera, also known by Thai people as “Plu Chaek”, is a plant of the Araceae family, native to Central America and found in the rainforest. “Monstera Deliciosa Yellow Marilyn” is a species of Monstera Deliciosa that originated in Mexico. In addition, it also shares many features with the famous Monstera Deliciosa Aurea.


The Characteristics of the Monstera Deliciosa Yellow Marilyn

มอนสเตอร่า เดลิซิโอซ่า เยลโล่ มาริลิน Monstera Deliciosa Yellow Marilyn

       The signature of Monstera Deliciosa Yellow Marilyn is its large and thick leaves, which can grow up to 2 m. There are lobes along the leaves decorated with yellow variegated patterns, charming like Marilyn Monroe. Besides, yellow variegated patterns can occur throughout the leaf, half of the leaf, and marbling along the leaf. It also has fresh green petioles that are slender and attractive. If you like colorful variegated plants that are easy to grow, the Monstera Deliciosa Yellow Marilyn is one of the best choices.


How to Care for the Monstera Deliciosa Yellow Marilyn

มอนสเตอร่า เดลิซิโอซ่า เยลโล่ มาริลิน Monstera Deliciosa Yellow Marilyn

       Taking care of Monstera Deliciosa Yellow Marilyn is easy-peasy since it is a fast-growing and tough plant. Water regularly and moderately. Plant it in bright indirect sunlight as the variegated Monstera is quite light-sensitive. If exposed to strong sunlight, it can cause leaf burn. Monstera Deliciosa Yellow Marilyn likes 60-80% humidity. The best planting material is well-drained soil, such as loam or peat moss, because it can prevent root rot problems and retain moisture. That’s all, your Monstera Deliciosa Yellow Marilyn will be able to grow strong and produce beautiful leaves for you.

       How about the Monstera Deliciosa Yellow Marilyn that we have introduced? Colorful and easy-to-grow Monstera like this, you should plant one. Finally, if you are interested in Monstera Deliciosa Yellow Marilyn tissue cultures but are still hesitant or have a question, we are happy to advise and export the best quality plants from Thailand to you in every season.


See you again on the following topic, bye<3



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