Let’s Get to Know “Homalomena”, a Charming Plant Family!

DATE : September 21, 2022 By :

มาทำความรู้จักกับ "เสน่ห์จันทร์บุษราคัม" ไม้สวยรวยเสน่ห์กัน!
Let’s Get to Know “Homalomena”, a Charming Plant Family!

       We believe that many people might hear the name “Homalomena” for some time because Homalomena is a trendy plant family at the moment. Not only does it has a variety of species, but also helps to enhance the grower’s charm and bring good luck. Interesting, isn’t it? Thus, let’s get to know Homalomena together. Today we will give examples of 2 famous Homalomena, such as “Homalomena Rubescens Var.” and “Homalomena Rubescens Mint Var.” for everyone. If you are ready, let’s see it!


The origin of the Homalomena

First, let’s look at the history of the Homalomena. It belongs to the Araceae family, as well as the famous plant family like Philodendron. They are commonly found in southern Asia and the southwestern Pacific. There are more than a hundred varieties of the Homalomena species and some species are native to Latin America. The origin of the  Homalomena name comes from the Malayan mistranslation of the word homalos meaning flat and mene meaning moon.


1. Homalomena Rubescens Var.

เสน่ห์จันทร์บุษราคัมด่าง (Homalomena Rubescens Var.)
เสน่ห์จันทร์บุษราคัมด่าง (Homalomena Rubescens Var.)

“Homalomena Rubescens Var.” is a popular plant in the Homalomena family because it has green heart-shaped leaves and yellow variegates. The variegation can be both the whole leaf and the blot on the leaf. In addition, people used a Homalomena Rubescens Var. to decorate their homes as well.

  • How to care for a Homalomena Rubescens Var.

The Homalomena Rubescens Var. requires special attention because it is a variegated plant. It can be grown both indoors and outdoors. However, it should not be planted in sunny areas because its leaves are sensitive to light. Therefore, planting in the dim light or the sun between 08:00 – 12:00 is better. The Homalomena Rubescens Var. loves moisture, so regular watering in the morning and evening is a great idea. Be careful not to cause waterlogging as it will cause root rot. Planting material should be well-drained, such as loam soil mixed with coconut husks. Just follow this, the Homalomena Rubescens Var. will grow up strong.


2. Homalomena Rubescens Mint

เสน่ห์จันทร์บุษราคัมมิ้นท์ (Homalomena Rubescens Mint Var.)
เสน่ห์จันทร์บุษราคัมมิ้นท์ (Homalomena Rubescens Mint)

If we talk about the Homalomena, Homalomena Rubescens Mint should be one of the topics because it is an all-time favorite plant that people are looking for. Therefore, this is the reason why Homalomena Rubescens Mint is a shortage in the plant market, causing the price to be speedily high. Are you surprised? Do not be surprised because the specialty of this one is the eye-catching variegated leaves. The variegation of Homalomena Rubescens Mint is different from regular Homalomena as it has a variegated gradation like a Monstera Borsigiana Mint Variegated. 

  • How to care for a Homalomena Rubescens Mint

The method of taking care of the Homalomena Rubescens Mint is similar to the Homalomena Rubescens Var. Just plant it in dim light and water regularly. Moreover, be careful of the strong sunlight and waterlogging. If you use planting material that drains well, such as loam soil mixed with coconut husks, it will help prevent root rot.

        How about two Homalomena that we have introduced? It is beautiful, isn’t it? If you want to collect beautiful variegated Homalomena, we recommend these two plants. We guarantee that you will be definitely satisfied. Finally, if you are interested in variegated Homalomena but are still hesitant or have a question in mind, we are happy to advise and export the best quality plants from Thailand to you.


See you again on the following topic, bye<3



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