Calathea, a beautiful foliage plant that you must have!

DATE : January 8, 2022 By :

        If we think of a plant with beautiful leaves and unique patterns, “Calathea” must be on the list. With beautiful and unique patterns, people plant them as ornamental plants. Besides, some people even keep them as collections. Therefore, if you want to know how beautiful “Calathea” looks, let’s get to know them together.

What is Calathea?
What is Calathea?

What is Calathea?

       Calathea belongs to the family Marantaceae, which is a herbaceous plant with underground rhizomes. It grows in clumps and can be propagated by budding. The leaves of Calathea are elongated, slender, and rounded oval. The pattern is outstanding and beautiful, depending on each species. There are dark green, light green, reddish-purple, green alternately white, and dark green tinged with pink. It also has long and slender petioles. Calathea begins to close at dusk and unfold again in the morning. For this reason, it got the nickname “Prayer Plant”.

How to grow Calathea?

       Calathea originated from the Americas in tropical forests. Therefore, they are particularly fond of water and humidity. The planting material must both hold water and drain effectively. People popularly plant Calathea in the shade or partial sun. Furthermore, it can be raised in the house.

All-time favorite Calathea

ต้นคล้าคริมสัน (Calathea Crimson)
ต้นคล้าคริมสัน (Calathea Crimson)

Calathea Crimson

The Calathea Crimson leaves are round, oval, and pink with dark brown margins. The back of the leaves is reddish-brown.

ต้นคล้าใบตอง (Calathea Orbifolia)
ต้นคล้าใบตอง (Calathea Orbifolia)

Calathea Orbifolia

Calathea Orbifolia has large, round leaves that are pale green to dark green. It has white streaks and has a green behind the leaves.

ต้นคล้าแววมยุรา (Calathea Makoyana)
ต้นคล้าแววมยุรา (Calathea Makoyana)

Calathea Makoyana

Calathea Makoyana has oval and pointed leaves. The leaf margins of Calathea Makoyana are light green to dark green. It has a dark green oval pattern with white streaks. In addition, behind the leaves are reddish-purple with light green streaks

คล้าขุนแผน (Calathea Vittata)
คล้าขุนแผน (Calathea Vittata)

Calathea Vittata

The leaves of Calathea Vittata are elongated, pointed, and dark green with alternating white streaks. The back of the leaves is reddish-purple.

        Not only Calathea is a foliage plant with outstandingly beautiful leaves, but it is also an auspicious plant that Thai people popularly grow. They believe that it can protect those who raise it, and it can be used as an air purifier in the home. Once our lovely readers know this, do not forget to find a “Calathea” to decorate your home.

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