4 New Variegated Tissue culture Plants That Plants Collectors Will Definitely Fall in Love

          Variegated plants are always in demand among plant lovers because of the unique variegation that differs from other foliage plants. The more variegation or exotic pattern, the higher the price like most of the variegated plants we know: Monstera, Philodendron, and Alocasia. However, there are many interesting variegated plant species … Continue reading 4 New Variegated Tissue culture Plants That Plants Collectors Will Definitely Fall in Love

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Monstera Thai Constellation Creme Brulee VS Monstera Thai Constellation Platinum, What Is the Difference Between These Monsteras?

        Monstera Thai Constellation is considered one of the most popular plants in the Monstera family. With its stable variegated leaves, it has gained attention from people who like variegated plants, leading to a constant demand for it. In addition, there are two other Monstera subvarieties: Monstera Thai Constellation Creme Brulee and  Monstera Thai Constellation … Continue reading Monstera Thai Constellation Creme Brulee VS Monstera Thai Constellation Platinum, What Is the Difference Between These Monsteras?

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Let’s Get to know “Monstera Deliciosa Mint Variegated”, One of the Rarest Houseplant Among Monsteras

        “Monstera” is a plant that has been consistently popular all time. Most people like to collect Montera because of its unique and eye-catching leaves. The price of Monstera is also high according to the plant market demand, especially one of the rarest plants like Monstera Deliciosa Mint Variegated is higher price. … Continue reading Let’s Get to know “Monstera Deliciosa Mint Variegated”, One of the Rarest Houseplant Among Monsteras

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“Philodendron Caramel Marble” is better than you think

       If we talk about the popular plant of the Philodendron family, the name that everyone must know for sure is “Philodendron Caramel Marble”. It is considered a plant that plant lovers love to collect. Plus, the unique marble pattern of the Philodendron Caramel Marble Variegated makes it even more desirable. Besides, it … Continue reading “Philodendron Caramel Marble” is better than you think

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“Philodendron Billietiae”, a Desirable Plant Among Plant Collectors

       If we mention the popular and trendy plant, “Philodendron Billietiae” must definitely be on the list. Many people might have heard the name of the Philodendron Billietiae before. Plus, they might wonder why the Philodendron Billietiae is so expensive or if it is worth planting. Therefore, today we will tell you Philodendron … Continue reading “Philodendron Billietiae”, a Desirable Plant Among Plant Collectors

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