“Anthurium”, an Outstanding Rare Plant

DATE : July 12, 2023 By :

แอนทูเรียม Anthurium
“Anthurium”, an Outstanding Rare Plant

       If talking about good-looking rare plants, one must be “Anthurium”. Anthurium is a  popular collectible plant for plant lovers due to its beautiful appearance and variety. If you search for Anthurium on our website, there are many beautiful Anthuriums that sometimes you may not be able to choose. Therefore, today we are going to introduce some interesting Anthuriums to everyone. Okay, if you are ready, let’s see!


Anthurium Ace of Spades

แอนทูเรียมเอซออฟสเปด (Anthurium Ace of Spades) 

        Let’s start with the famous Anthurium “Anthurium Ace of Spades”. Anthurium Ace of Spades is a favorite plant of Anthurium lovers. The highlight of this plant is a velvety blackish-green that resembles the symbol Ace of Spades on the Spades card. That is why it is called the “Ace of Spades”. In addition, its leaves are leathery and have distinct white veins against the dark green leaves, making it look even more charming. Plus, your house will look more stylish if you decorate this alluring plant.

How to Care for the Anthurium Ace of Spades 

        Caring for Anthurium Ace of Spades is not difficult at all. Plant it in a bright indirect sunlight place. If you want the leaves to be dark, plant them in lower light. However, be careful about the leaves not getting enough light. The Anthurium Ace of Spades loves humidity around 70-80%. This plant effectively grows in a tropical rainforest environment. Therefore, water regularly when the topsoil is dry and use well-draining planting material to prevent root rot. Fertilize every 2-3 months. Follow these recommendations, and your Anthurium Ace of Spades Original will grow beautifully.


Anthurium Warocqueanum Queen

       Queen of Anthurium is the Anthurium Warocqueanum Queen. It originates in the tropical rainforests of Colombia. This is why it thrives in humid climates, which can grow up to 6 feet. The Queen Anthurium is massive and magnificent. Besides, it has velvety green leave that is notable. Once you experience it, you will surely fall in love with the Queen Anthurium!

How to Care for the Anthurium Warocqueanum Queen

        Caring for “Anthurium Warocqueanum Queen” is easy. Since it grows in tropical regions, Queen Anthuriums prefer warm, humid climates. Keeping the humidity around 70% is recommended. Plant it in a bright and ventilated place, and water it when the soil is dry. Do not expose the leaves to direct sunlight because this can burn the leaves. Just like this, the Anthurium Queen will grow effectively.


Anthurium Luxurians

แอนทูเรียม ลักชูเลี่ยน (Anthurium Luxurians)

        If you like Anthurium, we recommend “Anthurium Luxurians”. This one origin in the Colombian rainforest. With its unique appearance, Anthurium Luxurians has won many people’s hearts. The dark green heart-shaped leaves contrasting with veins form a diamond-like pattern. Precious and stunning like this, you must plant one.

How to Care for the Anthurium Luxurians 

       If you want Anthurium Luxurians to look more attractive, plant them in a bright and well-ventilated area. Keep out of direct sunlight to prevent leaf burn. Anthurium Luxurians is a rare plant that loves warmth and humidity. Water when the soil begins to dry out and use well-draining soil. If you do this,  Anthurium Luxurians will grow up to 15 inches, and its leaves will grow up to 23 inches.


Anthurium Papilliaminum

แอนทูเรียมพาพิลิลามินั่ม (Anthurium Papilliaminum)

        If you are looking for easy-to-grow Anthurium, “Anthurium Papilliaminum” is your answer. Anthurium Papilliaminum is a rare plant native to the rainforests of South America. It is mainly found in Panama and was officially published by aroid botanist Tomas B. Croat in 1986. Anthurium Papillilaminum is known for its heart-shaped dark green velvety leaves with long and pointed at the end of the leaf. The white veins fade, but will gradually become more prominent when they mature. This fascinating plant is suited for decorating the house.

How to Care for the Anthurium Papilliaminum

        Caring for Anthurium Papillilaminum is simple. Just plant it in a moist and warm environment. Do not plant it in direct sunlight, as the leaves will burn. Use well-draining soil to prevent root rot. If you follow this, your Anthurium Papillilaminum will grow strong and reach a size of 10-15 inches.

How about the Anthurium, an Outstanding Rare Plant that we have introduced? These Anthurium are interesting, right? Finally, if you are interested in Anthurium Ace of Spades tc, Anthurium Warocqueanum Queen, Anthurium Luxurians tc, and Anthurium Papilliaminum tc but are still hesitant or have a question, we are happy to advise and export the best quality plants from Thailand to you in every season.


See you again on the following topic, bye<3



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