4 Reasons Why People Popularly Grow Monstera Albo

DATE : February 22, 2023 By :

Monstera Albo Variegated
4 Reasons Why People Popularly Grow Monstera Albo

Many people may have seen or heard about Monster Albo before. However, have you ever wondered why Monstera Albo is so popular and why the price and demand are so high in the plant market? Thus, today we are going to tell you “4 Reasons Why People Popularly Grow Monstera Albo” for everyone. If you’re ready, let’s go!

1. Eye-catching variegated patterns

Monstera Albo Variegated

       Monstera Albo originated in tropical forests and American islands. The name ‘Albo’ comes from the Latin word ‘white’, derived from the variegated pattern. White variegation on the leaves is the highlight of this stunning plant. In addition, if the variegation is more prominent, the price will be higher, too. Plus, some of them are priced up to hundreds of thousands. There are three main types of popular variegation:

  • Half-moon variegation is half variegation in 1 leaf; one is white variegation, and the other is green. This variegation has the highest price due to its extremely rare chance of variegation.
  • Wagyu variegation is a white variegated pattern inserted along the green leaves, which looks similar to the Wagyu beef pattern as its name.
  • Streaked variegation is white variegation like applying white color on the leaves.

These three types of variegation are just examples of the popular variegated pattern. In fact, there are other popular variegation types, such as yellow variegation and mint variegation. Choose your favorite variegation and grow!

2. Easy to grow

Monstera Albo Variegated

        Some people may have heard that variegated plants are hard to grow. Just exposing the sunlight for a few hours can kill it. These problems will bother you so that you do not dare to try to grow, especially Monstera, whose prices are higher. Don’t worry. If you grow it properly, a hard-to-grow plant like Monstera will be strong and stay with us for a long time. How to take care of Monstera Albo is simple. Just plant in a filtered sunlight place, such as close to the window or the balcony. Avoid exposing direct sunlight areas. Water once a week or when the topsoil is dry. The recommended soil is loam mixed with well-draining plant material, such as perlite, coconut coir, or chopped coconut husks. This will make the soil airy enough to ventilate easily, well drainage, and prevent root rot. Use a cloth dampened with a little olive oil and gently wipe the Monstera Albo leaves once a month to keep them shining. After all, every plant needs care and attention. If you give a lot of love to Monstera Albo, it will definitely be beautiful and thrive.

3. Purify the air and decorate the house.

        Monstera Albo is known as a home decoration plant due to its attractive and unique appearance. It looks stylish wherever you put it in the house. However, its advantages are not enough because it can absorb dust and dangerous airborne toxins such as formaldehyde. Therefore, this is why Monstera Albo is so popular.

4. Easy to ship

Monstera Albo Variegated

        Monstera is one of the most durable and hard to die compared to famous plants like Alocasia and Colocasia. Plus, you do not have to worry will be severely damaged when transporting since the Monstera is a tough plant. If the leaves are withered, cut off the withered parts, and you can continue planting them. Moreover, if you have a node that attaches to roots, you can conveniently breed new plants without worrying about it.

        How about “4 Reasons Why People Popularly Grow Monstera Albo” that we have introduced? Do you want to start growing Monstera Albo? Finally, if you are interested in the Monstera Albo but are still hesitant or have a question, we are happy to advise and export the best quality plants from Thailand to you.


See you again on the following topic, bye<3



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