5 Techniques to Keep Your Indoor Plants Always Healthy and Beautiful

DATE : September 20, 2022 By :

5 Techniques to Keep Your Indoor Plants Always Healthy and Beautiful
5 Techniques to Keep Your Indoor Plants Always Healthy and Beautiful

          People who love indoor plants might know that taking care of indoor plants and outdoor plants are completely different. Be it light amount, atmosphere, and consistency, special care is the most important thing for your plants to remain beautiful and healthy. Moreover, the wrong method can make your plants sick and eventually die.

          Today we’re going to show you 5 techniques that we thought it’s interesting and useful for your indoor plants. Let’s see!


1. Let your plants adjust to the new place

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Let your plants adjust to the new place

          Normally, different plants require different amounts of light. When they are in a nursery, they might grow up in an environment that contains more light but is not too strong. Therefore, after buying them from a shop, you should put them in an area with soft light first for them to adapt to the new surroundings. If you place them in an area with bright light immediately, it can cause heat shock. Similarly, if plants don’t get sufficient light, it can be the cause of leaves dropping and not producing new buds. Thus, if your plants can produce a new bud, it means they can live in a new environment for sure. 


2. Water your plants properly

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Water your plants properly

          Indoor plants need less water than outdoor plants for sure. Because of its environment and light amount, indoor plants’ water evaporation is slower. If you water too much, the roots can rot. Thus, you should decrease the watering time but it depends on the type of plants also.


3. Placing them outside from time to time

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Placing them outside from time to time

          Indeed, indoor plants usually grow inside a building but they still need some light as usual. You should place them outside sometimes. If you are afraid that they’ll get burned, you can put them in an area with soft light. Plus, if a plant is placed somewhere that gets light regularly, you should rotate the pot for the plant to gain light for the whole plant. Moreover, this method can shape your plants too. 


4. always Keep your eyes on your plants’ condition

always Keep your eyes on your plants’ condition

          You should always keep an eye on your plants’ condition so that you can notice any problems or unusual things and fix them in time. In contrast, if you let them be, your plants might catch a disease and eventually die. You can check from the soil whether it’s dry or moist.  If the soil is too watery, it can cause the roots to rot. Plus, you can also notice from the leaves. For example, if the leaves turn yellow and the stem becomes abnormally thin, we can assume that the plant lacks nitrogen so you should add some nitrogen fertilizers.


5. Adding fertilizers Fertilize your plants as necessary


          Giving proper nutrients is important for plants. If plants lack nutrients, it can lead to symptoms such as leaves falling off, yellow leaves, and so on. Therefore, adding fertilizers can fix these problems. Choosing fertilizers depends on your convenience. Using organic or manure fertilizers seems to be good because it’s convenient, easy, and non-chemical.

          So, what do you think? These techniques are pretty good for your indoor plants, right? Taking care of the indoor plants is not hard if we are careful and do it properly. Our plants will be strong, and beautiful, and stay with us for a long time.


See you again on the next topic!



5 วิธีดูแลต้นไม้ในร่ม ให้สวยทน แข็งแรง เหมือนเพิ่งซื้อใหม่มาจากร้าน (trueid.net)

10 วิธีดูแลต้นไม้ในร่มให้อยู่รอดและสวยเหมือนตอนซื้อจากร้านสำหรับนักปลูกมือใหม่ – The Cloud (readthecloud.co)

12 อาการต้นไม้ เจอแบบนี้ขาดธาตุอาหารชนิดใด [ ต้นไม้ใบเหลือง ใบไหม้ ] (baanlaesuan.com)

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