5 Techniques for Taking Care of Plants During Rainy Days

DATE : September 21, 2022 By :

5 tech rainy 01
5 Techniques for Taking Care of Plants During Rainy Days

       We believe that many plant lovers must have experienced problems when it rains, especially the problem of dying plants that occur from various causes that come from rain like fungi. Therefore, today we have presented some effective techniques for everyone. We guarantee that the result will exceed your expectations. Well, if you are ready, let’s see it!

1. Remove waterlogging

       One thing you should do when it rains is to remove waterlogging, the main cause of root rot problems. The root rot problem is the cause of our beloved plants dying. Preventing waterlogging is not difficult; just keep adjusting the soil regularly, and plow the soil to loosen up so that the topsoil does not stick tightly. In addition, removing waterlogging can also help prevent the problem of Aedes mosquitoes that breed in the water.


2. Get rid of weeds

        Another problem that disturbs plant lovers’ minds is weeds. The main culprit in the death of our plants is that these vicious weeds take advantage of the plant’s nutrients and sunlight. It is also a fungus and plant disease reservoir that must be eliminated immediately. We recommend you quickly uproot to prevent our plants from dying. That’s all, you don’t have to worry about plant diseases anymore.


3. Eliminate mold

        During the rain, the inevitable thing is dampness which is the cause of fungi and various plant diseases. The more moisture, the more pathogens grow faster, especially fungi such as Trichoderma that steal nutrients from plants. The best prevention method is to spray fungicides. The most effective way is spraying before the rain to prevent fungi from harming our plants and houses.


4. Keep shoveling the soil regularly

       The most important thing when taking care of plants during the rain is shoveling. Many people may be confused about whether shoveling can solve the problem. Shoveling is the main helper in taking care of plants during the rain. Regular shoveling will help improve soil conditions, prevent soil clumps, dry up the soil faster, and add oxygen to the top of the soil.


5. Move the plant to a sunny location

        When it rains, the sky is usually overcast and many clouds block the sunlight. Therefore, space modification is important. If the planting area is in a dark corner, placing the plant in a sunny area can help the plant grow and thrive.

       How about our 5 Techniques for taking care of plants during rainy days that we have recommended? Just following our methods, the problem of waterlogging, fungi, weeds, and various plant diseases that bother you will be gone. Do you want to plant and challenge the rain now? If so, we have various plants for you. If you are interested in our plants but are still hesitant or have a question in mind, we are happy to advise and provide you with the best quality plants.


See you again on the next topic, bye<3




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