5 Reasons Why You Have To Import Plants from Thailand

DATE : January 23, 2022 By :

             Everyone might be familiar with the Thai expression ‘‘There is fish in the water and rice in the fields” that represents the fertility of Thailand both on land or in water. It includes various plant types such as fruits or ornamental plants that can be found in this area only. It also consists of other factors, which is the reason why we have to import plants from Thailand.


There are many factors that affect why we have to import plants from Thailand as follows:

import plants from Thailand
various plant species

          Various plant species because Thailand is fertile and surrounded by natural diversity. Due to the geography that is located above the equator, it creates high natural fertility, which results in a wide variety of vegetation in this area. Moreover, the temperature is ideal for planting since Thailand is located in low latitudes. Besides, it is perfectly suitable for growing plants because most areas are coastal lowlands with silt or clay mixed with sand. 

Import plants from Thailand
Convenient transportation

          Thailand has convenient transportation that can be shipped to many countries. At present, Thailand has a transportation system that supports exporting plants to many countries, and it is reliable because the plant exporter has to complete many processes. For example, if we are sending plants to the United States, the sender must be registered as an exporter with the Customs Department, and a Phytosanitary certificate is also required. In addition, if the buyer has a Plant Import Permit, the customer will be able to order plants in large quantities.

Import plants from Thailand
Friendly and approachable

          Thai people are friendly and approachable. People may think that Thai people are only easily smiling as the famous slogan like ‘‘The Land of Smiles’’. However, Thai people are easy to talk to, friendly, and considerate due to the traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation. These cause Thai people to be easy to communicate and negotiate, so dealing with Thai people is easy and smooth.

Import plants from Thailand
Experts and researchers

          Thailand has experts and researchers to develop many premium quality plant species. For instance, Thailand developed the breed Monstera to remain variegation like ‘‘Monstera Thai Constellation” by Thai people in the lab. The good thing about Monstera Thai Constellation is that we do not need to worry about variegation disappearing. Furthermore, it is stronger than other types of Monstera.

Import plants from Thailand
Plant growing is trendy

             Plant growing in Thailand is trendy due to several factors that increase the plant trend in Thailand during The COVID-19 for more than 2 years. Therefore, this causes more plant demand in the market. According to Suan Dusit’s survey in 2020, 62.98% of the vote are planters, so this led to the development of new plant species among Thai people. In the case of Jumroensuk Phiphattantisak, a former female plant researcher, who turned herself to grow ornamental plants for sale by using her knowledge of tissue culture in the lab, and now the orders have been rapidly increasing across the country.

          In conclusion, we must say that there are many reasons why we have to import trees from Thailand, whether it is a factor of geography, transportation, Thai personality, plant experts, and emerging trends. Finally, if you are looking for plants from Thailand, please contact us at M.E. Greenery Export. We are happy to advise and find the best plant for you.


See you next time!



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