2 Favorite Plants in Epipremnum Family

DATE : June 16, 2023 By :

Epipremnum Hanoman sp Bali, Epipremnum Pinnatum Marble
2 Favorite Plants in Epipremnum Family

        “Epipremnum” has always been popular since it has a beautiful appearance and various species. It is a lucky plant that can purify the air as well. No wonder why it is a favorite among plant lovers. Do you want to grow Epipremnum? Therefore, today we will introduce “2 Favorite Plants in Epipremnum Family” to everyone. Okay, if you are ready, let’s see!


The Origin of the Epipremnum

        The Epipremnum is a plant in the ARACEAE family. The highlight of this outstanding plant is the shape and pattern of the leaves which vary according to the species, such as color, leaf size, etc. Some species are in the same family as Monstera, such as Epipremnum Pinnatum. In addition, the Epipremnum family is considered a lucky plant that will make the grower successful and bring positive energy to their life. Planting it in the house will help the residents be happy and peaceful for sure.

Now we already know the origin of the Epipremnum family. Next, we will introduce 2 popular plants of the Epipremnum family.


Epipremnum Hanoman sp Bali

เยื่ออิพิบาหลี Epipremnum Hanoman sp Bali

        Let’s start with the famous plant “Epipremnum Hanoman sp Bali”. The baby plant has 3-4 heart-shaped leaves, but they are shaped like Monstera leaves when they grow up. Epipremnum Hanoman sp Bali has longer leaves and white variegation randomly scattered throughout the leaves. Its selling point is the variety of planting. You can plant in a pot or plant in a bottle of water because Epipremnum Hanoman sp Bali has long and straight aerial roots, so it can live in water.

How to Care for the Epipremnum Hanoman sp Bali

        Caring for Epipremnum Hanoman sp Bali is not difficult at all as it is an easy-to-grow and tough plant. Plant it under the shade of a tree in dim light if you plant it outdoors. If growing indoors, plant it in a living room or terrace so that your plant can get plenty of sunlight. Be careful not to expose it to direct sunlight as it can burn the leaves. Water regularly when the topsoil begins to dry out. Do not overwater it because it will cause the roots to rot. If you follow this, your Epipremnum Hanoman sp Bali will surely grow beautifully


Epipremnum Pinnatum Marble

อิพิมาร์เบิ้ล Epipremnum Pinnatum Marble

        Another popular Epipremnum is Epipremnum Pinnatum Marble.  It is native to India, Asia, Australia, and Hawaii. Its leaves are a medium size which is not as big as Monstera and not as small as Betel. The charm of the Epipremnum Pinnatum Marble is its heart-shaped leaves tinged with white marble-like variegation making it stand out from other plants. If you plant this alluring plant in your home, it will definitely look stylish.

How to Care for the Epipremnum Pinnatum Marble

        Epipremnum Pinnatum Marble is easy to care for. Plant it in a bright indirect light area. It likes moisture, so if Epipremnum Pinnatum Marble is in a dry environment, its leaves will be brown and crispy. Therefore, always keep the environment moist. Be careful not to get soggy as this can cause mold and root rot.

How about the 2 Favorite Plants in Epipremnum Family that we have introduced? These Epipremnum plants are interesting, right? Finally, if you are interested in Epipremnum Hanoman sp Bali tc, Epipremnum Pinnatum Marble, and Epipremnum Pinnatum Marble tc but are still hesitant or have a question, we are happy to advise and export the best quality plants from Thailand to you in every season.


See you again on the following topic, bye<3



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