Living Healthy With Indoor Plants

DATE : September 1, 2021 By :

Hello, my dear readers! Today we’re gonna talk about living healthy by having indoor plants. Have you ever heard about purifier plants? We believe that many of our readers have heard about it. Purifier plants can also grow indoor and outdoor houses. Did you know the benefits of those plants? The plants can purify the air to be fresh and pure, filter toxins, dust pollution in the air, and it also makes you have a healthy life. Then, we’re gonna take you to know the purifier plants, which not only have a beautiful appearance, but also many health benefits. Are you ready? Let’s go!

who are we 2


Did you know our well-known purifier plants can filter toxins and dust in the air? They can perform potentially especially their leaves, which are filtered dust really well. For example, Citrus is one of the purifier plants which can detect dust so well because their leaf structure is very delicate. Also, ornamental climbing plants, their leaves, and stem are a great dust detector for growing at home.

How does the process of absorbing toxins from plants work? Air purification is caused by plant transpiration. The transpiration process causes the temperature on the leaves to differ from the air outside. Therefore, it results in the circulation of the surrounding air that allows the toxin to flow into the roots, where the root microbes decompose the toxins into food. Then, it will subsequently release fresh air.

What if we already have pure and good air, what will happen to our lives? Go find the answers with us!

1. Decrease the illness

Nowadays, pollution can cause you to get ill. So, the purifier plants can filter bacteria in the air and make you breathe easily. They also prevent Alzheimer’s and depression.

2. Lighten up the good mood

Decorating the plants can make you feel comfortable and calm your mind by using the time for doing beneficial activities.

3. Motivate the ideas

Looking at the plants or green color on them can help you relax for good brain processing, good memorizing, and critical thinking.

Air purifying plants that can be grown indoors and becoming popular now are

    1. Fiddle Fig


It looks like a shrub, and the body is not very large. The height is 50 cm to 12 meters. The leaf base looks like a heart. Currently, Fiddle Fig has been mutated into dwarf and variegated plants as well.

     2. Monstera

Plants 4

The shape of the Monstera leaves has natural tear marks that create a gorgeous and exotic look. It is easy to grow without exposure to much sunlight and is recommended to plant in a cool pot such as a clay pot.

     3. Philodendron

Philodendron billietiae
Philodendron billietiae

There are many species of philodendron, but the most popular is “Philodendron billietiae”. Its distinctive feature is large lance-shaped leaves. The edges of the leaves are wavy, thick, and can be up to 26-28 centimeters in length. The height of this plant is 3 feet. Besides, it should be planted in a place with enough sunlight and good ventilation.

Nowadays, “air purifying plants” are in demand, especially favorite plants such as Fiddle Fig, Monstera, and Philodendron that we have given examples above. As you can see, air purifying plants are useful, right? It is beneficial to health and the body. Therefore, it can be said that these plants are the best natural air purifier now. Lastly, our dearest readers, do not forget to find air purifying plants for your home, and take a photo to share your lovely plants! Have a good day 🙂

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