Propagation Is Easy Than You Think

DATE : October 16, 2021 By :

We believe that many of you not only appreciate plants and trees but also collect them to make some income from this hobby. Today we’ll introduce some new knowledge for you. It is the propagation! We knew well what propagation is and the types of propagation. Besides, it also benefits us for controlling plant growth as we wish it could be! Okay, no more wasting time, let’s go to know that the propagation is not complicated and easier than you imagine

   Propagation gives us more benefits than you ever thought. Not only increasing the number of plants, but also gaining more strength for them and getting more than one species in a plant. Furthermore, this is a shortcut way to increase products faster. Then, come along with us and learning how to propagate easily. Let’s go!

Starting with the first propagation

‘Sexual Propagation’

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It is the propagation process by sowing seeds or so-called seed propagation, which is putting stamen and pistil and sow them together in planting material, such as

  • Coarse sand
  • Black husk
  • Manure fertilizer 
  • Soil

In a ratio of 1: 1: :1: 0.5 and the method is a little simple.

  • Just press the seed down with your fingers 2-3 times the diameter of the seed.
  • Then take care by watering to have adequate humidity but do not water them too much.

‘Asexual Propagation’

This propagation uses many parts of the plant like root, stalk, and leaf, which can germinate and grow as a plant or tree.


Stem Cutting

  • Choose semi hardwoods(stem) or brown-green woods, which length around 20-30 cm. Cut the base wood away around 1 cm. It will be like a serration.
  • Next, put the wood in a root-growth solution. Let it dry a bit, then stick it tilted to 30 degrees in a plant bag, which has a black husk inside.
  • After 20-30 days, the cutted wood’s root will grow and appear, then bring it to plant in mixed soil in a black planting bag. Waiting about 1-2 months for its new leafing, so it could be taken to plant in the nursery plot.

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This is the process that makes the new stem grow while it’s still on the stalk. Popular to do in the rainy season.

  • Choose the semi-hard woods(stem), which have a diameter bigger than 0.5 cm. We recommend you to choose a vertical wood more than a horizontal wood like a limb because it has better growing new roots.
  • Next, we have to girdle it, which is about 1 inch long, then use a knife to scratch the outside tissue off.
  • Next, we have to use a rooting booster called Seradix No.2 (concentration 3,000 ppm) and dissolve it in the water. Use the brush painted on a girdled area, then let it almost dry.
  • To cover the layered wood, bring coconut flakes soak it in the water, squeeze out almost, and put it in a small rounded plastic bag size 2*4 inches, then use it to cover the layered wood.
  • Lastly, taking care while rooting, we need to balance the moisture properly. In Summer, we should water the covered wood. After 1-2 months, cut the covered wood in the planting bag again and leave it around 1-2 months, so we can bring it to plant in the plot.


Cleft Grafting 

This is the process that puts scion wood and grafts it on the plant rootstock.

  • Choose the rootstock which has a familiar size as the scion wood. Then, cut the rootstock without bud or branch at the right angle. Next, cut off the rootstock in length, deep around 1-2 inches, depending on the scion wood size.
  • Prepare the scion wood, it must be the close size of the rootstock. Then, slash a scion wood base to be slanting two sides, it will be as a wedge, length approximately 0.5-1 inch.
  • Lastly, we put the prepared scion wood in the prepared rootstock. They should fit well and wrap tightly with plastic tape, so they won’t be separated.



This is the process that brings two plants to be one.

  • Prepare the rootstock, it must be the close size of the scion wood. Then, slash a rootstock to be slanting two sides, it will be as a wedge, length approximately 0.5-1 inch.
  • Prepare the scion wood, it must be the close size of the rootstock. Then, slash it deep to inside and length approximately 2 inches.
  • Lastly, we put the prepared scion wood in the prepared rootstock. They should fit well and wrap tightly with plastic tape, so they won’t be separated.

See, the propagation is not as difficult as we thought. Besides sowing seeds, it also stems cutting, grafting, cleft grafting, and layering, which are other ways of propagation. Not only getting new knowledge but also gaining new planting experiences and garden skills. Don’t forget to try it out and hope you enjoy planting! 

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